3D 中的 MATLAB 曲线拟合,具有附加边界

MATLAB Curve Fitting in 3D, with additional boundaries



Experiment=[1.5 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 2.0 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2];
Time=[0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10];
Concentration=[0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3];


Time = transpose(Time);
Concentration = transpose(Concentration);
Experiment= transpose(Experiment);
f1 = fit( [Time, Concentration], Experiment, 'poly23' );
pl=plot(f1, [Time, Concentration], Experiment);


上面描述的简单程序完全没问题,并给出了一个多项式图: 当时间为4-10且浓度小于1时,多项式结果为负。我正在研究的系统是生物系统。所以任何负值在物理上都是不可能的。所以我的问题是:如何设置任何 boundaries/constraints 以防止结果多项式在实验范围内为负数? 如何强制 MATLAB 给我近似值,这给出 Z>如果时间在 0 到 10 之间,浓度在 0 到 3 之间,则始终为 0?

对于使用 fmincon 的非线性约束优化,您首先需要定义一个确定 z 的函数(即预测 xy 的结果):

function z = poly_model(x, y, p)
    % extract parameters
    p00 = p(1);
    p10 = p(2);
    p01 = p(3);
    p20 = p(4);
    p11 = p(5);
    p02 = p(6);
    p21 = p(7);
    p12 = p(8);
    p03 = p(9);

    % poly23 model
    z = p00 + p10 .* x + p01 .* y + p20 .* x.^2 + p11 .* x .* y + ...
           p02 .* y.^2 + p21 .* x.^2 .* y + p12 .* x .* y.^2 + p03 .* y.^3;


请注意,所有乘法和幂都是按元素计算的(.*.^)。这允许评估 xy 的矩阵输入函数,这是计算要在实验数据范围内施加的约束所必需的。


Nonlinear constraints, specified as a function handle or function name. nonlcon is a function that accepts a vector or array x and returns two arrays, c(x) and ceq(x).

  • c(x) is the array of nonlinear inequality constraints at x. fmincon attempts to satisfy

    c(x) <= 0 for all entries of c.

  • ceq(x) is the array of nonlinear equality constraints at x. fmincon attempts to satisfy

    ceq(x) = 0 for all entries of ceq. So in your case, the constraint function can be defined as:

function [c, ceq] = constraint_eq(x, y, p)
    % evaluate the model for required x and y 
    z_model = poly_model(x, y, p);

    % and constrain z to be positive:
    c = -z_model; % z_model >= 0, c(p) <= 0, hence c = -z_model

    % no inequality constraint needed
    ceq = [];



function err = cost_function(x, y, z, p)
    z_model = poly_model(x, y, p);  % determine model prediction z for x and y
    ev = z_model - z;               % error vector
    err = norm(ev, 2)^2;            % sum of squared error

最后,调用 fmincon 例程:

close all

% data
Experiment = [1.5 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 2.0 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2];
Time = [0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10];
Concentration = [0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3];

% short notation for readability
x = Time;
y = Concentration;
z = Experiment;

% define XV and YV to fulfil constraint over the entire x and y domain
xv = linspace(min(x), max(x), 20);
yv = linspace(min(y), max(y), 20);
[XV, YV] = meshgrid(xv, yv);

% initial guess parameters?
p0 = rand(9, 1);

p_final = fmincon(@(p) cost_function(x, y, z, p), p0, [], [], [], [], [], [], @(p) constraint_eq(XV, YV, p));

%% check result:
ZV = poly_model(XV, YV, p_final); % evaluate points in poly23 plane

% plot result
figure(1); clf;
scatter3(x, y, z, 200, 'b.');
hold on;
surf(XV, YV, ZV)


正如@James Philips 在评论中指出的那样,您还可以使用无约束优化的解决方案作为约束优化的起点。对于提供的实验数据和选择的模型,你会发现实际上并没有什么区别:

% The random initial guess:
p0 = rand(9, 1);

% Optimal solution for random p0
p_rand = fmincon(@(p) cost_function(x, y, z, p), p0, [], [], [], [], [], [], @(p) constraint_eq(XV, YV, p));

% first running unconstrained optimization and use p_unc 
% as start point for constrained optimization
p_unc = fmincon(@(p) cost_function(x, y, z, p), p0, [], []);
p_con= fmincon(@(p) cost_function(x, y, z, p), p_unc, [], [], [], [], [], [], @(p) constraint_eq(XV, YV, p));

% Compare errors:
SSE_unc = cost_function(x,y,z,p_unc)
SSE_con = cost_function(x,y,z,p_con)
SSE_rand = cost_function(x,y,z,p_rand)

% compare poly23 parameters
p_all = [p_unc, p_con, p_rand]


SSE_unc =
SSE_con =
SSE_rand =
p_all =
    1.3375    1.2649    1.2652
   -0.3425   -0.2617   -0.2618
   -1.6069   -1.0620   -1.0625
    0.0258    0.0187    0.0187
    0.0175   -0.0018   -0.0016
    1.5708    1.0717    1.0721
   -0.0042   -0.0018   -0.0018
    0.0125    0.0094    0.0094
   -0.3722   -0.2627   -0.2628

在这种情况下,您会发现所找到的参数存在非常小的差异,但求解器很可能需要较少的迭代次数才能获得此解。通过调整求解器设置(最优容差和约束容差),p_randp_con 的解会更接近。

一般来说,检查多个随机初始猜测是一种很好的做法,以确保您没有找到局部最小值(例如通过使用 MultiStart)。