Xcode 在从另一个 ViewController class 调用方法时,找到一个 nil 变量,其中 none 应该是

Xcode finding a nil variable where none should be when methods is called from another ViewController class

我在创建一个 MacOS 应用程序(我的第一个应用程序,它不是 "Your First App" 教程的一部分)的过程中途,在主要 window 中涉及很多用户选项,我受够了事实上,我的 ViewController 文件已经变得笨拙,在很长一段时间内都无法维护 运行。

我决定打破它以较小的块输入多个视图控制器,以便在 UIBuilder 中使用容器视图嵌入视图使其更易于管理,但我发现的所有教程都是针对 Xcode/Swift 的过时版本,或者关于在 iOS 中管理多个视图,所以我不得不进行一些推断,我可能做错了。

现在,当一个 ViewController 中的方法被另一个 ViewController 调用时,即使该方法在其自己的视图控制器调用时可以正常工作,我也会收到错误消息。



var inputPathUrl = URL?
var outputExtension: String = ""

@IBOutlets 和 InOutViewController class:

@IBOutlet weak var inputTextDisplay: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var outputTextDisplay: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var inputBrowseButton: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var outputBrowseButton: NSButton!

var outputDirectoryUrl: URL?
var inputFilePath: String = ""

@IBOutlets 为 OptionsViewController class

@IBOutlet weak var Button1: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var Button2: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var Button3: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var Button4: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var Button5: NSButton!

方法 InOutViewController class:

@IBAction func InputBrowseClicked(\_ sender: Any) {  
    let inputPanel = NSOpenPanel()  
    inputPanel.canChooseFiles = true  
    inputPanel.canChooseDirectories = false  
    inputPanel.allowsMultipleSelection = false  
    inputPanel.allowedFileTypes = \["aax"\]  
    let userChoice = inputPanel.runModal()  
    switch userChoice{  
        case .OK : 
        if let inputFileChosen = inputPanel.url {
            inputFileUrl = inputFileChosen // define global variable that will be called by other methods in other classes to check if an input file has been chosen
            updateInputText() // call methods to display path strings in text fields
        case .cancel :
            print("user cancelled")
        default :

@IBAction func outputBrowseClicked(_ sender: Any) {
    let outputPanel = NSOpenPanel()
    outputPanel.canChooseFiles = false
    outputPanel.canChooseDirectories = true
    outputPanel.allowsMultipleSelection = false
    let userChoice = outputPanel.runModal()
    switch userChoice{
        case .OK :
            if let outputUrl = outputPanel.url {
                outputDirectoryUrl = outputUrl
        case .cancel :
            print("user cancelled")

func updateInputText() {
    // call getOutputOption method to see which radio button is selected 
        if inputFileUrl != nil {
            inputFilePath = inputFileUrl!.path
            inputTextDisplay.stringValue = inputFilePath
func updateOutputText() {
    // derive output file path and name from input if no output location is chosen 
    if inputFileUrl != nil && outputDirectoryUrl == nil {
        let outputDirectory = inputFileUrl!.deletingPathExtension()
        let outputDirectoryPath = outputDirectory.path
        let outputPath = outputDirectoryPath + "(outputExtension)"
        outputTextDisplay.stringValue = outputPath
    } else if inputFileUrl != nil && outputDirectoryUrl != nil {
     // derive default file name from input but use selected output path if one is chosen
        let outputDirectoryPath = outputDirectoryUrl!.path
        let outputFile = inputFileUrl!.deletingPathExtension()
        let outputFilename = outputFile.lastPathComponent
        // derive file extension from getOutputOption method of OptionsViewController class
        let outputPath = outputDirectoryPath + "/" + outputFilename + "(outputExtension)"
        outputTextDisplay.stringValue = outputPath

最后一行 (outputTextDisplay.stringValue = outputPath) 是我遇到的致命错误,但仅当我从 @IBAction 为 [=20 中的输出格式单选按钮调用此方法时=] 在选择不同的文件扩展名时更新输出显示。当我从 InOutViewController 中的操作方法调用该方法时,它工作正常。

这里是 @IBAction 方法和 getOutputOption 方法来自 OptionsViewController class:

@IBAction func radioButtonClicked(_ sender: Any) {
        // update display with new file extension

func getOutputOption() {
    // make sure an input file has been chosen
        if inputFileUrl != nil {
                // check which radio button is selected and derive output file format based on selection
                // not sure why I need to specify the button isn't nil, since one is ALWAYS selected, but I was getting a fatal error without doing so
        if (Button1 != nil) && Button1.state == .on {
            outputExtension = ".extA"
        } else if (Button2 != nil) && Button2.state == .on {
            outputExtension = ".extB"
        } else if (Button3 != nil) && Button3.state == .on {
            outputExtension = ".extC"
        } else if (Button4 != nil) && Button4.state == .on {
            outputExtension = ".extD"
        } else {
            outputExtension = ".extE"


我的猜测是 outputTextDisplayInOutViewController 中的一个 IBOutlet,它被声明为隐式解包。 (像这样:)

var outputTextDisplay: UITextField!

如果您从 InOutViewController 中的一个 IBAction 中引用这样的变量,一切都很好,因为此时您的视图控制器的视图已加载。

另一方面,如果您从另一个视图控制器调用 updateOutputText(),您的 InOutViewController 的视图可能尚未加载,因此 outputTextDisplay 的出口仍然为零。当一个变量被声明为隐式解包时(在类型末尾使用 !),那么任何时候你引用它,编译器都会强制解包它,如果它是 nil,你就会崩溃。

您应该将 updateOutputText() 更改为使用 ? 来解包变量。这会阻止隐式展开的选项崩溃。像这样:

func updateOutputText() {
    // derive output file path and name from input if no output location is chosen 
    if inputFileUrl != nil && outputDirectoryUrl == nil {
        let outputDirectory = inputFileUrl!.deletingPathExtension()
        let outputDirectoryPath = outputDirectory.path
        let outputPath = outputDirectoryPath + "(outputExtension)"
        outputTextDisplay?.stringValue = outputPath //Note the `?`
    } else if inputFileUrl != nil && outputDirectoryUrl != nil {
     // derive default file name from input but use selected output path if one is chosen
        let outputDirectoryPath = outputDirectoryUrl!.path
        let outputFile = inputFileUrl!.deletingPathExtension()
        let outputFilename = outputFile.lastPathComponent
        // derive file extension from getOutputOption method of OptionsViewController class
        let outputPath = outputDirectoryPath + "/" + outputFilename + "(outputExtension)"
        outputTextDisplay?.stringValue = outputPath  //Note the `?`

代码 outputTextDisplay?.stringValue = outputPath 使用“可选链接”,这会导致编译器检查 outputTextDisplay 是否为 nil,如果是则停止执行代码。

请注意,如果您进行了更改,您的字符串值将不会在您调用 updateOutputText() 函数时安装到您的 outputTextDisplay 字段中。您需要在调用 viewDidLoad() 之后安装该值。 (可能在您的 viewDidLoad 或 viewWillAppear 中。)



@IBAction func radioButtonClicked(_ sender: Any) {
        // update display with new file extension

大错特错。响应用户单击单选按钮,InOutViewController() 位创建一个 InOutViewController 的一次性实例,尝试调用它的 updateOutputText() 方法,然后忘记新创建的 InOutViewController。不要那样做。
