使用静态 std::vector class 成员时发生访问冲突

Access violation when using static std::vector class member

每隔 50 次左右,我在实现 UI 的 DLL 中遇到访问冲突,大多数情况下 运行 时间都很好,我怀疑这可能是由于使用了静态向量:

这是来自 class 方法的代码快照,带有堆栈跟踪:


#define UI_API __declspec(dllexport)

class UI_API BaseWindow
    : public Object // base class for ref counting
     // the rest of the code...


    /** Register window class */
    [[nodiscard]] virtual bool RegisterCls(const WNDCLASSEX& wnd_class) const;

    /** fill in window class info struct */
    [[nodiscard]] virtual bool GetClsInfo(const PCTSTR& class_name, WNDCLASSEX& wnd_class) const;

     // the rest of the code...



bool BaseWindow::GetClsInfo(const PCTSTR& class_name, WNDCLASSEX& wnd_class) const
    if (mhInstance) // handle to HINSTANCE
        if (GetClassInfoEx(mhInstance, class_name, &wnd_class))
            return true;
        else return false;  // class does not exist, not an error

    else // error handling
        ShowError(Exception(GenericErrorCode::InvalidHandle, TEXT("Hinstance should not be nullptr")), ERR_BOILER);
        return false;

bool BaseWindow::RegisterCls(const WNDCLASSEX& wnd_class) const
    WNDCLASSEX wcex{};

    // If the function does not find a matching class and successfully copy the data,
    // the return value is zero.
    if (!GetClsInfo(wnd_class.lpszClassName, wcex)) // calls above function!
        // If the function fails, the return value is zero. 
        const ATOM atom = RegisterClassEx(&wnd_class);

        if (!atom) // error handling
            return false;
            ClassAtoms::AddClassAtom(atom); // call below function!

    return true;

ClassAtoms.hpp 这是有问题的静态向量 declared/defined

#define SUPPRESS(...) __pragma(warning(suppress : __VA_ARGS__))

class UI_API ClassAtoms
     // the rest of the code...

    /** Add registered window class to ATOM container */
    inline static void AddClassAtom(const ATOM& atom);

    // the rest of the class

    /** Container for registered window classes */
    SUPPRESS(4251);  // needs to have dll-interface (inlining will result in internal compiler error)
    static std::vector<ATOM> mAtoms;

      // the rest of the code...

void ClassAtoms::AddClassAtom(const ATOM& atom)


SUPPRESS(26426);  // Global initializer calls a non-constexpr function
std::vector<ATOM> ClassAtoms::mAtoms { };


Exception thrown at 0x00007FFA691212DE (vcruntime140d.dll) in TestUI.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x000001A35C589000.

vcruntime140d.dll!memcpy_repmovs() Line 114 Unknown

UI.dll!std::_Copy_memmove(unsigned short * _First, unsigned short * _Last, unsigned short * _Dest) Line 1745 C++

UI.dll!std::_Uninitialized_move>(unsigned short * const _First, unsigned short * const _Last, unsigned short * _Dest, std::allocator & _Al) 第 1738 行 C++

UI.dll!std::vector>::_Emplace_reallocate(无符号短* const _Whereptr, const unsigned short & <_Val_0>) 第 707 行 C++

UI.dll!std::vector>::emplace_back(const unsigned short & <_Val_0>) 第 659 行 C++

UI.dll!wsl::ui::BaseWindow::RegisterCls(const tagWNDCLASSEXW & wnd_class) 第 131 行 C++

UI.dll!wsl::ui::MainWindow::Initialize(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance, int x, int y, int width, int height, HWND__ * hParent, unsigned long dwStyle, unsigned long dwExStyle, HICON__ * hIcon, HMENU__ * hMenu) 第 68 行 C++

TestUI.exe!TestMainWindow(HINSTANCE__ * hInstance, HINSTANCE__ * hPrevInstance, wchar_t * lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) 第 45 行 C++


您是否看到此代码有任何问题,我的向量是否已正确初始化,如果是,那么为什么 push_back 失败?

你可以只使用 meyer 的单例:


static std::vector<ATOM> mAtoms;


static auto& atoms() {
  static std::vector<ATOM> s;
  return s;

现在向量在第一次使用时被初始化。这也会影响静态销毁顺序 - 这可能是也可能不是问题 - 但你应该注意它

或者您可以尝试使用内联初始化 - 这可能会移动 init.在初始化中。订单。

 static inline std::vector<ATOM> mAtoms;

并删除 .cpp init。


您需要调试堆损坏。 在 windows 上,一个好的开始是 _CrtSetDbgFlag