如何填充 ListBuffer[ List[Any] ] (Scala)?

How to fill a ListBuffer[ List[Any] ] (Scala)?

我有一个 ListBuffer 声明如下:

var distances_buffer: ListBuffer[List[Any]] = ListBuffer.empty[List[Any]]


for(current <- 0 to training_list_length - 1){
   //A and B are examples
   distances_buffer(current) ++= List[Any](A,B)


java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: 0



我有一个点列表(名称:training_list)及其 class。 (x, y, class) :

training_list : List[((Double, Double, String))]

我还有一个额外的点,给出了 x 和 y 值。


List((x: Double, y: Double, class: String), distance: String)

List((4.3,3.0,Iris-setosa), 1.2529964086141665), (4.4,3.0,Iris-setosa), 1.341640786499874)...

如您所见,在列表中我想包括点的坐标(来自 training_list)、点的 class 以及距离。

for(current <- 0 to training_list_length - 1){
    val dist = eDistance(test_x, test_y, training_x(current), training_y(current))
    distances_buffer += ListBuffer[Any](training_result(current),dist)


正如 Luis 所建议的那样,应尽可能避免使用 Anyvar,因此这里有一个示例可能会促使您考虑不同的方法

case class Point(x: Double, y: Double, `class`: String)

def distance(a: Point, b: Point): Double =
  math.hypot(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y)

val targetPoint = Point(1,2,"Extra-point")
val training_list : List[((Double, Double, String))] = List((4.3,3.0,"Iris-setosa"), (4.4,3.0,"Iris-setosa"))
val points = training_list.map(Point.tupled)
val unsortedPoints: List[(Point, Double)] = points.map(point => (point, distance(point, targetPoint)))


res0: List[(Point, Double)] = List((Point(4.3,3.0,Iris-setosa),3.4481879299133333), (Point(4.4,3.0,Iris-setosa),3.5440090293338704))


从你命名事物的方式来看,你似乎来自 Python 背景。

我建议你先学习一下 Scala,因为我们非常不同。
不仅在样式方面 (如驼峰式与破折号式),而且在更基本的方面,如:

  • 一个强大的静态类型系统。因此,像 Any 这样的东西通常是一种代码味道,在 99.99% 的情况下,完全没有必要。
  • OOP 和 FP 的混合体。因此,您不必成为 FP 专家,但即使在 Scala 的 OOP 方面也有一些惯用的东西,例如 immutability和常见操作 (高阶函数),如 mapflatMapfilterreduce
  • 我们的 ListPython 非常不同,通过索引访问元素是 O(n) (在 Python 中会是 O(1)Python 列表更像是一个可以调整大小的 Array
  • 此外,我们并没有真正的 for 循环。我们有一个叫做 for comprehension which is nothing more than syntactic sugar for calls to map, flatMap, filter & in some cases foreach.
  • 的东西



// First lets create some custom types / classes to represent your data.
final case class Point(x: Double, y: Double)
final case class ClassifiedPoint(point: Point, clazz: String)

// Lets define the Euclidean distance function.
def euclideanDistance(p1: Point, p2: Point): Double =
    math.pow((p1.x - p2.x), 2) +
    math.pow((p1.y - p2.y), 2)

// This is what you need.
// Note that I made it somewhat more generic that is has to be.
// For example, instead of using the euclidean distance function directly on the body,
// we receive the distance function to use.
// Also, I use a technique called currying to split the arguments in different lists,
// This allows the caller to partially apply them.
def computeDistance(distanceFun: (Point, Point) => Double)
                   (trainingList: List[ClassifiedPoint])
                   (referencePoint: Point): List[(ClassifiedPoint, Double)] =
  trainingList.map { classifiedPoint =>
    val distance = distanceFun(classifiedPoint.point, referencePoint)
    classifiedPoint -> distance


val trainingList = List(
  ClassifiedPoint(Point(x = 4.3d, y = 3.0d), clazz = "Iris-setosa"),
  ClassifiedPoint(Point(x = 4.4d, y = 3.0d), clazz = "Iris-setosa")

// Partial application to create a new function.
val computeEuclideanDistance = computeDistance(euclideanDistance) _

computeEuclideanDistance(trainingList, Point(x = 3.0d, y = 0.0d))
// res: List[(ClassifiedPoint, Double)] =
//   List(
//     (ClassifiedPoint(Point(4.3, 3.0), "Iris-setosa"), 3.269556544854363),
//     (ClassifiedPoint(Point(4.4, 3.0), "Iris-setosa"), 3.3105890714493698)
//   )