尝试 运行 一个 Bash 程序导致 "permission denied" 错误消息
Attempting to run a Bash program results in "permission denied" error message
Program runs fine once I learned the correct format for giving it permission and the syntax for running it from command line. I am a forgetful beginner.
# Take user Input
echo "Enter Two numbers : "
read a
read b
# Input type of operation
echo "Enter Choice :"
echo "1. Addition"
echo "2. Subtraction"
echo "3. Multiplication"
echo "4. Division"
read ch
# Switch Case to perform
# calulator operations
case $ch in
1)res=`echo $a + $b | bc`
2)res=`echo $a - $b | bc`
3)res=`echo $a \* $b | bc`
4)res=`echo "scale=2; $a / $b" | bc`
echo "Result : $res"
您必须将执行标志添加到文件才能以 ./BashCalculator.sh
chmod +x BashCalculator.sh
如果你想把它放在 $PATH
中,要么将目录附加到它,要么将它放在 $PATH
另外,请用三个反引号将您的问题括起来以正确格式化。这样读起来比较好。如果您有其他信息,则必须更新您的问题。不要将此类信息放在评论中(就像@Poshi 评论的那样)。
请阅读 this 以获取有关问题的更多信息。
Program runs fine once I learned the correct format for giving it permission and the syntax for running it from command line. I am a forgetful beginner.
# Take user Input
echo "Enter Two numbers : "
read a
read b
# Input type of operation
echo "Enter Choice :"
echo "1. Addition"
echo "2. Subtraction"
echo "3. Multiplication"
echo "4. Division"
read ch
# Switch Case to perform
# calulator operations
case $ch in
1)res=`echo $a + $b | bc`
2)res=`echo $a - $b | bc`
3)res=`echo $a \* $b | bc`
4)res=`echo "scale=2; $a / $b" | bc`
echo "Result : $res"
您必须将执行标志添加到文件才能以 ./BashCalculator.sh
chmod +x BashCalculator.sh
如果你想把它放在 $PATH
中,要么将目录附加到它,要么将它放在 $PATH
另外,请用三个反引号将您的问题括起来以正确格式化。这样读起来比较好。如果您有其他信息,则必须更新您的问题。不要将此类信息放在评论中(就像@Poshi 评论的那样)。
请阅读 this 以获取有关问题的更多信息。