how to change the value of a cell when I choose a value in another
我目前在 angular 6 下的应用程序中使用 ag-grid,我的问题是:
我有一行 3 列,| A | B | C |
是一个有一些名字的 select
当我 select 行 A
中的一个值时,我希望 B
和 C
(同一行)根据 A
A = { id:number , aStart:Date, aEnd:Date }
我试过使用 startEditingCell 和其他方法,但没有人奏效。
export interface Delivery {
id: number;
deliveryCode: string;
startPeriodDate: Date;
endPeriodDate: Date;
description: string;
inactive: boolean;
export class lineColumn {
deliveryid: number
startDate: Date
endDate: Date
const columns = {
headerName: 'Delivery',
colId: 'delivery',
field: 'id',
editable: this.isGridEditableOnCondition,
cellEditor: 'agRichSelectCellEditor',
cellRenderer: this.deliveryFormatter.bind(this),
cellEditorParams: (params) => {
return {
values: this.deliveries.map((delivery) => delivery.id),
formatValue: this.deliveryFormatter.bind(this),
displayPropertyName: 'deliveryCode',
valuePropertyName: 'deliveryCode',
displayFormat: 'deliveryCode',
onCellValueChanged: (params) => {
// when this value changes, the other 2 columns must change with the values of dates that delivery has (but can be still editables)
headerName: 'Shipping Start Date',
colId: 'shippingStartDate',
field: startDate,
editable: this.isGridEditable,
valueFormatter: this.uiService.dateFormatter,
cellEditor: 'atrDate',
headerName: 'Shipping End Date',
colId: 'shippingEndDate',
field: endDate,
editable: this.isGridEditable,
valueFormatter: this.uiService.dateFormatter,
cellEditor: 'atrDate',
onCellValueChanged: (params) => {
const api: agGrid.GridApi = params.api;
const delivery = this.masterdata.deliveries.find((d: Delivery) => d.deliveryId === params.newValue);
api.getRowNode(params.node.rowIndex).setDataValue('shippingStartDate', delivery.startPeriodDate);
api.getRowNode(params.node.rowIndex).setDataValue('shippingEndDate', delivery.endPeriodDate);
我目前在 angular 6 下的应用程序中使用 ag-grid,我的问题是:
我有一行 3 列,| A | B | C |
是一个有一些名字的 select
当我 select 行 A
中的一个值时,我希望 B
和 C
(同一行)根据 A
A = { id:number , aStart:Date, aEnd:Date }
我试过使用 startEditingCell 和其他方法,但没有人奏效。
export interface Delivery {
id: number;
deliveryCode: string;
startPeriodDate: Date;
endPeriodDate: Date;
description: string;
inactive: boolean;
export class lineColumn {
deliveryid: number
startDate: Date
endDate: Date
const columns = {
headerName: 'Delivery',
colId: 'delivery',
field: 'id',
editable: this.isGridEditableOnCondition,
cellEditor: 'agRichSelectCellEditor',
cellRenderer: this.deliveryFormatter.bind(this),
cellEditorParams: (params) => {
return {
values: this.deliveries.map((delivery) => delivery.id),
formatValue: this.deliveryFormatter.bind(this),
displayPropertyName: 'deliveryCode',
valuePropertyName: 'deliveryCode',
displayFormat: 'deliveryCode',
onCellValueChanged: (params) => {
// when this value changes, the other 2 columns must change with the values of dates that delivery has (but can be still editables)
headerName: 'Shipping Start Date',
colId: 'shippingStartDate',
field: startDate,
editable: this.isGridEditable,
valueFormatter: this.uiService.dateFormatter,
cellEditor: 'atrDate',
headerName: 'Shipping End Date',
colId: 'shippingEndDate',
field: endDate,
editable: this.isGridEditable,
valueFormatter: this.uiService.dateFormatter,
cellEditor: 'atrDate',
onCellValueChanged: (params) => {
const api: agGrid.GridApi = params.api;
const delivery = this.masterdata.deliveries.find((d: Delivery) => d.deliveryId === params.newValue);
api.getRowNode(params.node.rowIndex).setDataValue('shippingStartDate', delivery.startPeriodDate);
api.getRowNode(params.node.rowIndex).setDataValue('shippingEndDate', delivery.endPeriodDate);