在 tensorflow 2 中找不到 Tensorflow 模块,在哪里可以找到新方法的文档?

Tensorflow module not found with tensorflow 2, where to find docs for new way?

following this tutorial
我正在尝试 运行 TensorFlow 的预写模型,因为我正在 运行ning TensorFlow 2,而我使用的代码是针对旧版本的。具体来说,tf.contrib.


from tensorflow.contrib import legacy_seq2seq


from tensorflow.python.ops.seq2seq import sequence_loss


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tensorflow.python.ops.seq2seq'

我在哪里可以找到 tf.contrib 中的方法并导入和使用它们?旧功能还存在吗?

请注意,tf.contrib 已在 TF 2.0 中删除。 Source

  • Removal of tf.contrib - These features have been either moved to TensorFlow Core, or to tensorflow/addons, or are no longer part of the TensorFlow build but are developed and maintained by their respective owners.
  • Updated and revised documentation, examples, and website, including migration docs and TF 1.x to 2.0 converter guide.

例如tf.contrib.layers.layer_norm,根据this github issue got moved to here: https://github.com/tensorflow/addons/tree/master/tensorflow_addons/layers

TF 2.0:seq2seq 现在在 tensorflow_addons 之下

您可以在 tensorflow_addons:https://github.com/tensorflow/addons/tree/master/tensorflow_addons/seq2seq 下找到关于如何为 TF 2.0 处理 seq2seq 的 github post。它为您提供了一个关于如何将 TF 1.x seq2seq 转换为 TF 2.0 的清晰示例 相等的。在 Sample code and Migration guide from TF 1.X

# TF 2.0
import tensorflow_addons as tfa
sampler = tfa.seq2seq.sampler.TrainingSampler()

TF 1.x 到 TF 2.0 升级

我建议您首先尝试将 TF 1.x 代码迁移到 TF 2.0。参考 how to automatically upgrade from TF 1.x to TF 2.0?

Recommended upgrade process