error: the server doesn't have a resource type "applications"

error: the server doesn't have a resource type "applications"

我正在尝试使用现有的 GKE 集群为 GCP 安装 spinnaker,但是当我 运行 脚本时,出现错误:


这是 Spinnaker for GCP marketplace 的新安装

.  Checking for existing cluster gkecluster... 
.  Retrieving credentials for GKE cluster gkecluster... 
Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.
kubeconfig entry generated for gkecluster.
.  Checking for Spinnaker application in cluster gkecluster... 
error: the server doesn't have a resource type "applications"
.  Using existing service account spinnaker-1-acc-1571723331... 
.  Assigning required roles to spinnaker-1-acc-1571723331... 
.  Using existing redis instance spinnaker-1 ( 
.  Using existing bucket gs://spinnaker-1-REDACTED... 
.  Using existing GKE cluster gkecluster... 
.  Your pre-existing cluster must have IP Aliases enabled. 

installing Spinnaker on an already existing Kubernetes cluster 时,请记住字段 VPC-native (alias IP) 必须启用,如文档中所述:

The cluster must have the following:

  • IP aliases enabled, because this uses a hosted Redis instance

之前的 link 还包含更多关于如何从头开始连接到 Spinnaker 的有用信息。