Keras BinaryCrossentropy 损失为两个向量之间的 angular 距离给出 NaN

Keras BinaryCrossentropy loss gives NaN for angular distance between two vectors

我想训练一个 siamese-LSTM,如果相应标签为 0,则两个输出的 angular 距离为 1(低相似度),如果标签为 1,则为 0(高相似度)。

我从这里计算了 angular 距离的公式:


# inputs are unicode encoded int arrays from strings
# similar string should yield low angular distance
left_input = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=[None, 1], dtype='float32')
right_input = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=[None, 1], dtype='float32')
lstm = tf.keras.layers.LSTM(10)
left_embedding = lstm(left_input)
right_embedding = lstm(right_input)
# cosine_layer is the operation to get cosine similarity
cosine_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dot(axes=1, normalize=True)
cosine_similarity = cosine_layer([left_embedding, right_embedding])
# next two lines calculate angular distance but with inversed labels
arccos = tf.math.acos(cosine_similarity)
angular_distance = arccos / math.pi # not 1. - (arccos / math.pi)
model = tf.keras.Model([left_input, right_input], [angular_distance])
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='sgd')


Model: "model_37"
Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
input_95 (InputLayer)           [(None, None, 1)]    0                                            
input_96 (InputLayer)           [(None, None, 1)]    0                                            
lstm_47 (LSTM)                  (None, 10)           480         input_95[0][0]                   
dot_47 (Dot)                    (None, 1)            0           lstm_47[0][0]                    
tf_op_layer_Acos_52 (TensorFlow [(None, 1)]          0           dot_47[0][0]                     
tf_op_layer_truediv_37 (TensorF [(None, 1)]          0           tf_op_layer_Acos_52[0][0]        
tf_op_layer_sub_20 (TensorFlowO [(None, 1)]          0           tf_op_layer_truediv_37[0][0]     
tf_op_layer_sub_21 (TensorFlowO [(None, 1)]          0           tf_op_layer_sub_20[0][0]         
tf_op_layer_Abs (TensorFlowOpLa [(None, 1)]          0           tf_op_layer_sub_21[0][0]         
Total params: 480
Trainable params: 480
Non-trainable params: 0

但是在训练时我总是丢失 NaN[np.array(x_left_train), np.array(x_right_train)], np.array(y_train).reshape((-1,1)), batch_size=1, epochs=2, validation_split=0.1)

Train on 14400 samples, validate on 1600 samples
Epoch 1/2
  673/14400 [>.............................] - ETA: 5:42 - loss: nan


二元交叉熵计算log(output)log(1-output)。这意味着您的输出需要严格大于 0 且严格小于 1,否则您将计算负数的 log,结果为 NaN。 (注意:log(0) 应该给你 -inf,没有 NaN 差,但仍然不理想)


因此,尝试强制输出大于 0 且小于 1,例如通过使用 clip 和一个小的 epsilon:

angular_distance = tf.keras.backend.clip(angular_distance, 1e-6, 1 - 1e-6)