
Dialogflow: How to identify a specific string?

Dialogflow 如何获取短语中的特定字符串 (login/id)?我想创建一个名为 "login" 的实体,所有登录名都为 "synonyms"。 这是最好的方法吗?

PS:我有超过 1500 个 logins/id 而 Dialogflow 最多允许 200 个。


根据您评论中的示例,您似乎需要获取此人的姓名。 Dialogflow 提供了一个名为 @sys.person


@sys.person: Common given names, last names or their combinations



From the intent page's training phrase section, you can extend a system entity while annotating a training phrase. If you manually annotate a training phrase part with an extendable system entity that does not include the selected value, you will be prompted to add this value to the system entity.


From the entities page, you can extend a system entity by following these steps:

Create an entity.
Use the name of the system entity you want to extend. For example: sys.color.
Provide entity entries using the values you want to extend the entity with.

If you are using the API to extend system entities, create system entity extensions similar to how you create developer entities. Provide the name of the system entity you wish to extend, and provide the values you want to extend it with. If you attempt to extend a system entity that is not extendable, you will receive an err