如何在 windows 中使用 cmd 重新进入我的虚拟环境

How to re-enter my virtual environment using cmd in windows

我已经使用 cmd 为 django 创建了一个虚拟环境

 pip install virtualenvwrapper-win

 mkvirtualenv test


安装了 Django
 pip install django

但是假设我关闭了 cmd 提示符并重新启动它。重新进入我创建的(测试)环境的命令是什么

如果您使用的是包 virtualenvwrapper-win,那么您可以使用 this part of the docs:


workon [<name>]

If <name> is specified, activate the environment named <name> (change the working virtualenv to <name>). If a project directory has been defined, we will change into it. If no argument is specified, list the available environments. One can pass additional option -c after virtualenv name to cd to virtualenv directory if no projectdir is set.

要重新激活虚拟环境: Virtualenvname\Scripts\activate.bat 例如:testing\Scripts\activate.bat 这将打开您的虚拟环境以供使用。

To create a virtual environment open command prompt/terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to create your Django project. Let’s say we want to create our project at 'user/hp/' then we’ll navigate to the 'user/hp/' and then type the command below.

Install the virtual environment

Create a virtual environment

C:\Users\hp\mkvirtualenv jangoProject

To activate env type the below command.


To deactivate env type the below command

To create a new project type below code

C:\User\hp\django-admin startproject learn1