使用 Joi - Express 验证输入并在 React 中使用它
Validating input with Joi - Express and using it in React
我正在尝试在后端使用 Redux Form、Thunk 和 Joi 验证表单。
我想做的是当用户提交表单时,我想发送调用我的 API 的操作,然后如果 Joi 中间件发现表单有问题,则在前端做出反应相应地根据错误是什么。
我遇到的问题是我不知道如何访问 Joi 发回的错误状态代码后的 json。
export const signUp = (
newUser: User
): ThunkAction<void, AppState, null, Action<string>> => async dispatch => {
try {
const res = await axios.post("http://localhost:2000/users/signup", newUser);
} catch (error) {
console.log("THE ERROR", error)
然后在后端,这是我的 joi 中间件:
validateBody: (schema) => {
return (req, res, next) => {
const result = Joi.validate(req.body, schema);
if (result.error) {
return res.status(400).json({ error: "this is your error" })
// validated values are in req.value.body if it's there
if (!req.value) {
req.value = {};
req.value['body'] = result.value;
// the next allows the middleware to pass through
如果我 运行 这个表格有问题,我会得到
THE ERROR Error: Request failed with status code 400
at createError (createError.js:17)
at settle (settle.js:19)
at XMLHttpRequest.handleLoad (xhr.js:60)
但我找不到如何访问 catch 块中的 json ("this is your error")。任何帮助将非常感激。非常感谢。
Axios 错误在 error.response 内。
try {
const res = await axios.post("http://localhost:2000/users/signup", newUser);
} catch (error) {
if (error.response) {
/*The request was made and the server responded with a
status code that falls out of the range of 2xx */
} else if (error.request) {
/* The request was made but no response was received, `error.request`
* is an instance of XMLHttpRequest in the browser and an instance
* of http.ClientRequest in Node.js */
} else {
// Something happened in setting up the request and triggered an Error
console.log("Error", error.message);
我正在尝试在后端使用 Redux Form、Thunk 和 Joi 验证表单。 我想做的是当用户提交表单时,我想发送调用我的 API 的操作,然后如果 Joi 中间件发现表单有问题,则在前端做出反应相应地根据错误是什么。
我遇到的问题是我不知道如何访问 Joi 发回的错误状态代码后的 json。
export const signUp = (
newUser: User
): ThunkAction<void, AppState, null, Action<string>> => async dispatch => {
try {
const res = await axios.post("http://localhost:2000/users/signup", newUser);
} catch (error) {
console.log("THE ERROR", error)
然后在后端,这是我的 joi 中间件:
validateBody: (schema) => {
return (req, res, next) => {
const result = Joi.validate(req.body, schema);
if (result.error) {
return res.status(400).json({ error: "this is your error" })
// validated values are in req.value.body if it's there
if (!req.value) {
req.value = {};
req.value['body'] = result.value;
// the next allows the middleware to pass through
如果我 运行 这个表格有问题,我会得到
THE ERROR Error: Request failed with status code 400
at createError (createError.js:17)
at settle (settle.js:19)
at XMLHttpRequest.handleLoad (xhr.js:60)
但我找不到如何访问 catch 块中的 json ("this is your error")。任何帮助将非常感激。非常感谢。
Axios 错误在 error.response 内。
try {
const res = await axios.post("http://localhost:2000/users/signup", newUser);
} catch (error) {
if (error.response) {
/*The request was made and the server responded with a
status code that falls out of the range of 2xx */
} else if (error.request) {
/* The request was made but no response was received, `error.request`
* is an instance of XMLHttpRequest in the browser and an instance
* of http.ClientRequest in Node.js */
} else {
// Something happened in setting up the request and triggered an Error
console.log("Error", error.message);