尝试在 Unity Tiny 中保护我的自定义事件系统

Trying to typeguard my custom event system in UnityTiny

我正在 Unity Tiny 中创建一个事件系统,因为框架本身的事件系统非常有限。我让它工作了,但现在我想让它对我的同事更友好。所以我试图对其进行类型保护以防止用户使用不同的类型,但它似乎对我不起作用。有什么建议吗?

我已经看过这些: - https://medium.com/ovrsea/checking-the-type-of-an-object-in-typescript-the-type-guards-24d98d9119b0 - https://dev.to/krumpet/generic-type-guard-in-typescript-258l

问题是unity tiny用的是es5。所以你无法通过 object.construtor.name 来获取类型的名称。因此使用 "instanceof" 是不可能的。

此外,(object as T) 不起作用,我也无法获得 (object as T).type。

export class Event<T> implements IEvent<T>{
        private handlers: {(data?: T): void}[] = [];
        public type : T;

        constructor(value: T){
            this.type = value;

        public On(handler: { (data?: T): void }) : void {

        public Off(handler: { (data?: T): void }) : void {
            this.handlers = this.handlers.filter(h => h !== handler);

        public Trigger(data?: T) {
            this.handlers.slice(0).forEach(h => h(data));

        public Expose() : IEvent<T> {
            return this;
export class EventUtils {
        public static events = new Object();

        public static CreateEvent<T>(eventEntity: ut.Entity, nameOfEvent: string) : void{
            this.events[nameOfEvent] = new game.Event<T>();

        public static Subscribe<T>(nameOfEvent: string, handeler: {(data? : T): void}) : void{
            //Loop through events object, look for nameOfEvent, use checkEventType() to check if it is the same type as given generic, then subscribe if true.

        public static Trigger<T>(nameOfEvent: string, parameter?: T) : void{
            //Loop through events object, look for nameOfEvent, use checkEventType() to check if it is the same type as given generic, then trigger if true.

        private static checkEventType<T>(object: any) : object is Event<T>{
            let temp : T;
            let temp2 = {temp};

            if (object.type instanceof temp2.constructor.name) {
                return true;
            return false;
private static checkEventType<T>(object: any) : object is Event<T>{
            let temp : T;

            if (object.type as typeof temp) {
                return true;
                //always returns true even if the type is different
            return false;

let temp : T;

            if ((object.type as typeof temp).type) {
                return true;
                //property 'type' does not exist in 'T'  
            return false;

instanceof 存在并已支持 a while,因此您甚至可以在 ES5 中使用它。

唯一的问题是您进行检查的方式。如果您需要检查 class 的实例,您需要在 checkEventType 函数中实际拥有 class(而不仅仅是类型):

public static checkEventType<T>(cls: new (...a: any[]) => T, object: any): object is Event<T> {
    if (object.type instanceof cls) {
        return true;
    return false;
