如何添加单个单词调用名称 alexa?

How to add single word invocation name alexa?

我想为 Alexa 添加单个单词的调用名称,在文档中提到允许使用单个单词。

One-word invocation names are not allowed, unless: The invocation name is unique to your brand/intellectual property with proof of ownership established through legitimate documentation, or (German skills only) The invocation name is a compound of two or more words. In this case, the word must form an actual word in the skill's language to ensure that Alexa can recognize it.

但是我在 alexa 控制台上找不到任何东西。

对于开发,您可以在 Alexa 控制台上使用单字调用,它应该可以工作。调用名称的规则将在发布过程中适用。所以如果你想使用单个词调用,你需要证明你拥有与该词相关的品牌。