如何在 Gridextension typo3 中插入​​ Form?

How to insert Form in Gridextension typo3?

我正在使用 TYPO3 9.5 并且我正在尝试在 Grid 元素中插入 Form(使用 gridelements 扩展): 我正在使用:

"require": {
    "typo3/cms-base-distribution": "^9.5",
    "gridelementsteam/gridelements": "^9.3",
    "mask/mask": "^4.1",
    "ichhabrecht/mask-export": "^2.4",


后端网格元素: 调试所有数据时的前端网格元素: 谢谢 :D



dataProcessing {
    10 = GridElementsTeam\Gridelements\DataProcessing\GridChildrenProcessor
    10 {
        default {
            as = children
            # Default options of the grid children processor
            # Change them according to the needs of your layout
            # Read more about it in the TypoScript section of the manual
            options {
            #    sortingDirection = ASC
            #    sortingField = sorting
            #    recursive = 0
            resolveFlexFormData = 0
            #    resolveBackendLayout = 1
            #    respectColumns = 1
            #    respectRows = 1

此外,还有一项功能请求,要求禁用 gridelements 以外的子元素的 flexform 解析。
