Repeat/Autoreverse 个动画 iOS 13.x

Repeat/Autoreverse animations in iOS 13.x

以前在 swift 中你可以这样做:

let animator = UIViewPropertyAnimator(duration: 0.25, curve: .easeIn) {
  let transform = CATransform3DIdentity
  let rotate = CATransform3DRotate(transform, 45, 1, 1, 0)
  self.ex.layer.transform = rotate

但是,现在 UIView.setAnimationRepeatCountUIView.setAnimationRepeatAutoreverses 上有一条弃用消息。有谁知道他们被什么取代了?我仍然可以使用 UIViewPropertyAnimator,还是必须使用 CABasicAnimation 之类的东西?


'setAnimationRepeatCount' was deprecated in iOS 13.0: Use the block-based animation API instead

'setAnimationRepeatAutoreverses' was deprecated in iOS 13.0: Use the block-based animation API instead


UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.25, delay: 0, options: [.autoreverse, .curveEaseIn, .repeat], animations: {
    let transform = CATransform3DIdentity
    let rotate = CATransform3DRotate(transform, 45, 1, 1, 0)
    self.ex.layer.transform = rotate
}, completion: nil)

对于所有可能的调用,您可以查看this link

此外,如果你真的需要UIViewPropertyAnimator,它有一个similar init:

 UIViewPropertyAnimator.runningPropertyAnimator(withDuration: 0.25, delay: 0, options: [.autoreverse, .curveEaseIn, .repeat], animations: {
    let transform = CATransform3DIdentity
    let rotate = CATransform3DRotate(transform, 45, 1, 1, 0)
    self.ex.layer.transform = rotate