MavenCli 输出到 eclipse/maven 控制台

MavenCli output to eclipse/maven console

我有一个 elipse RCP 应用程序,它使用 Maven Surefire 进行特殊测试。 Maven 通过 m2e 集成到应用程序中。


现在可以从我的代码中启动 maven 测试命令,它运行良好,但日志输出没有打印到我的应用程序的控制台,而是打印到我的 IDE 的控制台。

public class MyAction implements IObjectActionDelegate {

private IFolder selectedFolder;
private IPath path;

public void run(IAction action) {
    String flagValue = foo();
    String projectLocation = bar();

    PrintStream out = System.out; // <- here

    MavenCli cli = new MavenCli();
    cli.doMain(new String[] {"test", "-DmyFlag=" + flagValue}, 
            projectLocation, out, out);

如何让 mavenCli 打印到我的应用程序的控制台?

好的,我找到了一种从 MavenCLI 打印到应用程序控制台的方法。在由用户触发的操作中,我开始了一项工作:

public class MyAction implements IObjectActionDelegate {

private IFolder selectedFolder;
private IPath path;

public void run(IAction action) {
    String flagValue = foo();
    String projectLocation = bar();

    MyJob runTestCaseJob = new MyJob(flagValue , projectLocation);

在作业中 class 我正在启动 MavenCLI:

public class MyJob extends Job {

private static final String TASK_NAME = "Starting the Maven Command";

private String myFlag;
private String projectLocation;

private final PrintStream out = getConsole();
private final MavenCli cli = new MavenCli();

public MyJob(String myFlag, String projectLocation) {
    this.myFlag = myFlag;
    this.projectLocation = projectLocation;

protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
    cli.doMain(new String[] {"test", "-DmyFlag=" + myFlag}, 
            projectLocation, out, out);
    return Status.OK_STATUS;

private PrintStream getConsole() {
    MessageConsole console = findMessageConsole("Console");
    return new PrintStream(console.newOutputStream());

private MessageConsole findMessageConsole(String title) {
    IConsole[] existingConsoles = ConsolePlugin.getDefault().getConsoleManager().getConsoles();
    for (IConsole existingConsole : existingConsoles) {
        if (existingConsole.getName().equals(title)) {
            return (MessageConsole) existingConsole;
    MessageConsole console = new MessageConsole(title, null);
    ConsolePlugin.getDefault().getConsoleManager().addConsoles(new IConsole[] {console});
    return console;