
Do all variables in the loss function have to be tensor with grads in pytorch?


def msfe(ys, ts):
    ys=ys.detach().numpy() #output from the network
    ts=ts.detach().numpy() #Target (true labels)
    pred_class = (ys>=0.5) 
    n_0 = sum(ts==0) #Number of true negatives
    n_1 = sum(ts==1) #Number of true positives
    FPE = sum((ts==0)[[bool(p) for p in (pred_class==1)]])/n_0 #False positive error
    FNE = sum((ts==1)[[bool(p) for p in (pred_class==0)]])/n_1 #False negative error
    loss= FPE**2+FNE**2


    return loss

我想知道 Pytorch 中的 autograd 是否正常工作,因为 ysts 没有 grad 标志。

所以我的问题是:在 optimizer.step() 工作之前,所有变量 (FPE,FNE,ys,ts,n_1,n_0) 都必须是张量,还是它只是最终函数 (loss) 这是 ?

您要通过 optimizer.step() 优化的所有变量都需要具有梯度。

在您的情况下,它将 y 由网络预测,因此您不应该 detach 它(来自图表)。

通常您不会更改 targets,因此不需要渐变。不过,您不必 detach 它们,默认情况下张量不需要梯度,也不会反向传播。

Loss 如果成分(至少一种)具有渐变,则将具有渐变。


顺便说一句。 不要numpy 与 PyTorch 一起使用,很少有这样做的情况。您可以在 PyTorch 的张量上执行对 numpy 数组可以执行的大部分操作。

顺便说一句。 pytorch 中不再有 Variable 之类的东西,只有需要梯度和不需要梯度的张量。


1.1 现有代码存在的问题

确实,您使用的是不可微函数(即 >===)。这些只会在你的输出情况下给你带来麻烦,因为那些需要梯度(你可以使用 ==>= 作为 targets)。


# Gradient can't propagate if you detach and work in another framework
# Most Python constructs should be fine, detaching will ruin it though.
def msfe(outputs, targets):
    # outputs=outputs.detach().numpy() # Do not detach, no need to do that
    # targets=targets.detach().numpy() # No need for numpy either
    pred_class = outputs >= 0.5  # This one is non-differentiable
    # n_0 = sum(targets==0) # Do not use sum, there is pytorch function for that
    # n_1 = sum(targets==1)

    n_0 = torch.sum(targets == 0)  # Those are not differentiable, but...
    n_1 = torch.sum(targets == 1)  # It does not matter as those are targets

    # FPE = sum((targets==0)[[bool(p) for p in (pred_class==1)]])/n_0 # Do not use Python bools
    # FNE = sum((targets==1)[[bool(p) for p in (pred_class==0)]])/n_1 # Stay within PyTorch
    # Those two below are non-differentiable due to == sign as well
    FPE = torch.sum((targets == 0.0) * (pred_class == 1.0)).float() / n_0
    FNE = torch.sum((targets == 1.0) * (pred_class == 0.0)).float() / n_1
    # This is obviously fine
    loss = FPE ** 2 + FNE ** 2

    # Loss should be a tensor already, don't do things like that
    # Gradient will not be propagated, you will have a new tensor
    # Always returning gradient of `1` and that's all
    # loss = torch.tensor(loss, dtype=torch.float64, requires_grad=True)

    return loss

1.2 可能的解决方案

因此,您需要去掉 3 个不可微分的部分。原则上您可以尝试使用网络的连续输出来近似它(前提是您使用 sigmoid 作为激活)。这是我的看法:

def msfe_approximation(outputs, targets):
    n_0 = torch.sum(targets == 0)  # Gradient does not flow through it, it's okay
    n_1 = torch.sum(targets == 1)  # Same as above
    FPE = torch.sum((targets == 0) * outputs).float() / n_0
    FNE = torch.sum((targets == 1) * (1 - outputs)).float() / n_1

    return FPE ** 2 + FNE ** 2

请注意,要最小化 FPE outputs 将尝试在 targets 为零的索引上成为 zero。同样对于 FNE,如果目标是 1,网络也会尝试输出 1

注意这个想法与 BCELoss(二进制交叉熵)的相似性。

最后,举个例子,你可以 运行 打开这个,只是为了进行完整性检查:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    model = torch.nn.Sequential(
        torch.nn.Linear(30, 100),
        torch.nn.Linear(100, 200),
        torch.nn.Linear(200, 1),
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters())
    targets = torch.randint(high=2, size=(64, 1)) # random targets
    inputs = torch.rand(64, 30) # random data
    for _ in range(1000):
        outputs = model(inputs)
        loss = msfe_approximation(outputs, targets)

    print(((model(inputs) >= 0.5) == targets).float().mean())