如何替换 Live Offers 和 Live Coupons 提供的即将弃用的 Salesforce 功能?
How to replace the soon-to-be deprecated Salesforce functionalities provided by Live Offers and Live Coupons?
关于 Salseforce 的实时优惠和实时优惠券将于 2020 年弃用,我正在寻找替代功能以提供相同的功能。
我发现 this post 的答案没有意义。原因如下:建议的答案建议在流程中添加 For
循环。这将为流程添加一个额外的循环,第一个循环是通过订阅者列表的自动迭代。额外的 For
然而,ClaimRow() 函数的使用是这里的关键,它会使用声明日期自动填充 ClaimedDate
属性,并将 IsClaimed
属性填充到 true
This function returns a single row from a Data Extension and reserves
the values to prevent them from being used by another operation. If a
row is found and is unclaimed, the designated claimed column is set to
true and data from that row is returned. If no unclaimed rows are
available in the Data Extension, this function will return an error.
Claimed rows can be used again if the designated claimed column
changes back to false.
使用 ClaimRow
函数和初始订阅者循环中的电子邮件地址,我能够更新优惠券 table:
SET @CouponRow = ClaimRow("CouponsTest2DE", 'IsClaimed', 'SubscriberKey', emailaddr)
其中 emailaddr
关于 Salseforce 的实时优惠和实时优惠券将于 2020 年弃用,我正在寻找替代功能以提供相同的功能。
我发现 this post 的答案没有意义。原因如下:建议的答案建议在流程中添加 For
循环。这将为流程添加一个额外的循环,第一个循环是通过订阅者列表的自动迭代。额外的 For
然而,ClaimRow() 函数的使用是这里的关键,它会使用声明日期自动填充 ClaimedDate
属性,并将 IsClaimed
属性填充到 true
This function returns a single row from a Data Extension and reserves the values to prevent them from being used by another operation. If a row is found and is unclaimed, the designated claimed column is set to true and data from that row is returned. If no unclaimed rows are available in the Data Extension, this function will return an error. Claimed rows can be used again if the designated claimed column changes back to false.
使用 ClaimRow
函数和初始订阅者循环中的电子邮件地址,我能够更新优惠券 table:
SET @CouponRow = ClaimRow("CouponsTest2DE", 'IsClaimed', 'SubscriberKey', emailaddr)
其中 emailaddr