函数调用导致类型 13 不匹配

Function call results in type 13 mismatch


获取 .xlsx 单个 sheet 文件并需要使用交叉引用 table 将信息添加到新书中的数据以获取业务日期和期间。这是原始资料的示例:

Sample data snippet

我从@PGSystemTester 那里得到这段代码作为一个 vlookup 解决方案,使用一个日期从参考 table 中提取数据,该日期介于参考 table 上单独列中的日期之间。

Function rngLOOKUP(chkDate As Date, rngf As Range, theColumn As Long) As Variant
Dim acell As Range

For Each acell In rngf.Columns(1).Cells
    If acell.Value <= chkDate And acell.Offset(0, 1).Value >= chkDate Then
        rngLOOKUP = acell.Offset(0, theColumn - 1).Value
        Exit Function
    End If
Next acell

rngLOOKUP = "#Nothing"

End Function


这是交叉引用的示例 table:

Cross reference table sample

每次我使用此调用将结果分配给变量时,我都会收到 运行 时间错误 13,类型不匹配:

fYear = rngLOOKUP(aDate, rng, 3)

这是完整的代码。源文件是 .xlsx,我在将日期来自的单元格分配给变量之前对其进行格式化。

Sub CleanDaily_Labour()
' CleanDaily_Labour Macro
' RMDC Payroll Resarch (MU) Report prep

    Dim myPath, fName, refFILE, job, JobGR, DateST, WKDay, PDWK, fYear As String
    Dim CRef, wkb As Workbook
    Dim shtDATE, shtJOB, sht As Worksheet
    Dim aDate, fYR As Date
    Dim rngLOOKUP As Variant
    Dim rng, rngJOBS, rngJBGRP As Range
    Dim SC, lastRow, PD, WK As Long

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    myPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
' Get the file date and assign to variables
    Selection.NumberFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd"
    aDate = Range("D3").Value
    DateST = WorksheetFunction.Text(aDate, "YYYYMMDD")
    WKDay = WorksheetFunction.Text(aDate, "DDD")

' Rename and save the active workbook by date
' set wkb to new workbook name and assign calendar cross ref
    fName = myPath & "\Daily_Labour" _
        & DateST & ".xlsx"
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs fName, 51
    Set wkb = Workbooks.Open(fName)
    Set sht = wkb.Sheets("Sheet1")

    refFILE = myPath & "\Cross_Ref_fCalendar.xlsx"

' Remove extra header info
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
'   Insert Column to the left of Column D
    Columns("E:G").Insert Shift:=xlToRight, _
' Update Headers that will be kept / used
    Range("A1").Value = "FYear"
    Range("E1").Value = "PD_WK"
    Range("J1").Value = "JOB_GRP"
    Range("F1").Value = "WKDay"
    Range("G1").Value = "PD"
    Range("H1").Value = "WK"
    With Selection
        .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    End With
' Remove extra columns
' Get the last row and fill known columns
    lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
    Range("d2:d" & lastRow).Value = aDate
    'Range("d2:d" & lastRow).NumberFormat = "dd-mmm-yy" (commented as no impact on error, tried variantions here to overcome mismatch but should not matter as variable never changed here, just the range)
    Range("f2:f" & lastRow).Value = WKDay
' Set variables for next steps
    Set CRef = Workbooks.Open(refFILE)
    Set shtJOB = CRef.Sheets("JobCross")
    Set shtDATE = CRef.Sheets("fcalendar")
    Set rngJOBS = Range("i2:i" & lastRow)
    Set rngJBGRP = shtJOB.Range("A1:b16")
    Set rng = shtDATE.Range("A2:f210")
' Loop through jobs in column i match job in shtJOB
' put matching group in row j (Use Function vLookupVBA)
    For Each jRow In rngJOBS
        job = ActiveCell.Value
        JobGR = VLookupVBA(job, rngJBGRP, Null)
        ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = JobGR
    'end for
   Next jRow
'Save Progress during testing:
   Application.DisplayAlerts = False
   ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs fName, 51
' Fill in date parameters from Cross Ref file for Business date
' Use function rngLOOKUP to update variables then set ranges to the variables
' May be more efficient to get row number from cross ref table instead - later.
'    shtDATE.Activate (does not seem to affect)
    fYear = rngLOOKUP(aDate, rng, 3) '**This results in the error**
    PDWK = rngLOOKUP(aDate, rng, 6)
    PD = rngLOOKUP(aDate, rng, 4)
    WK = rngLOOKUP(aDate, rng, 5)
' Fill the columns with the variables (can likely bypass the variables and put on 1 line)- later
    Range("A2:A" & lastRow).Value = fYear
    Range("E2:E" & lastRow).Value = PDWK
    Range("G2:G" & lastRow).Value = PD
    Range("H2:H" & lastRow).Value = WK
' Cleanup, save and close workbooks
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    CRef.Close False
    wkb.SaveAs fName, 51
' SQL call: Load to existing datbase (GDrive), use same format as Transactions
' ?? Get sales by day? vs maintain PDWK
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

rngLOOKUP() 的第一个参数需要一个日期,第二个参数需要一个范围。但是,您在每种情况下都将其传递给 Variant。因此,类型不匹配错误。例如,在您的代码中,您已将 aDate 声明如下...

Dim aDate, fYR As Date

这意味着 aDate 被声明为 Variant,而不是 Date,而 fYR 被声明为 Date。因此,您需要按如下方式更改声明声明...

Dim aDate as Date, fYR As Date

rng 也一样。而且,对于所有其他声明语句,它看起来都一样。