计算机从 1 到 1000 猜测您的号码(必须尝试 10 次)

Computer guesses your number (has to be in 10 tries) from 1-1000

好的,首先我是计算机科学的初学者 class。我可以问我的老师,但我没有时间这样做。所以,期待一些我看不到的非常愚蠢的错误,我正在使用 eclipse。


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int something()
    int big = 1000;//largest number is 1000
    int small = 1;//smallest number is 1

    //so, best guess is to go in the middle
    int c;//my guesses
    int inequality;//used to write if statements

    for (int a = 0; a <= 10; a++)
        cout << "Think about a number between 1-1000" << endl;//what console tells you
        c = (big - small) / 2;//my guess will be the midpoint of the two numbers
        while (big > small)//while the highest number is ALWAYS greater than the lowest number
            cout << "Is your number less than, equal to, or greater than my guess? 1-less,2-equal,3-greater" << c << endl;
            cin >> inequality;//you tell me whether my guess is too high, low, or equal
            if (inequality == 1)//if you say it is too low...
                small = c;//the smallest number is now my last guess
                c = c - (big - small) / 2;//so, I'll take the midpoint of the CURRENT biggest and smallest number
            else if (inequality == 2)//if you say it is equal...
                cout << "Yay, I guessed your number." << endl;//cool.
            else if (inequality == 3)//if you say it is too high...
                big = c;//biggest number is now my guess
                c = c + (big - small) / 2;//so, I'll take the midpoint of the CURRENT biggest and smallest number
    return 0;//returns something in int main function

int main()
    something();//so I can actually do code.


如果我在控制台输入第一次猜测后输入1,我得到499,这很好。第二次猜测后(我输入 1),我得到 249,这也很好。但是,我输入 1 后第三次猜测随机得到 681,所以有人可以帮助我吗?


此外,我的 for 循环可能有点偏差,我不确定。

尝试从中点计算中删除 c+c - 项。

编辑:另外,尝试交换两个条件中的 small = cbig = c 语句。




small     guess     big

如果用户说太小,则答案高于猜测,所以在范围内 big - guess 这就是你需要减半的东西,而不是

c = c - (big - small)/2

guess = (big - guess) / 2 + guess


guess = (guess - small) / 2 + small