当源文件代表脚本顶部的变量时,为什么 shellcheck 会失败?

Why does shellcheck fail when a source file is representing the variables at the top of a script?

Ubuntu 16.04

当源文件代表脚本顶部的 $variables 时,为什么 shellcheck 会失败?



. .sourcefile

echo "Today is ${day}."



这是来自 shellcheck 的回复:

me@myserver:~$ shellcheck start.sh

In start.sh line 5:
echo "Today is ${day}."
               ^-- SC2154: day is referenced but not assigned.


这是我在 Ubuntu 16.04


@Dash-o 解释了以下过程:

# shellcheck source=/path/to/sourcefile


# shellcheck source=./.sourcefile
. .sourcefile

echo "Today is ${day}."

接下来,在脚本之前使用 -x 选项执行 shellcheck,如下所示:
shellcheck -x start.sh

me@myserver:~$ shellcheck -x start.sh

当使用 -x 选项时,shellcheck 将跟随直接在 [=97= 下方声明的 源文件 ]源指令。当我执行命令时,收到以下错误:

me@myserver:~$ shellcheck -x start.sh
unrecognized option `-x'

Usage: shellcheck [OPTIONS...] FILES...
  -e CODE1,CODE2..  --exclude=CODE1,CODE2..  exclude types of warnings
  -f FORMAT         --format=FORMAT          output format
  -s SHELLNAME      --shell=SHELLNAME        Specify dialect (bash,sh,ksh)
  -V                --version                Print version information

@Bayou 提到我的 OS 需要更新版本的 shellcheck。我检查了我的 Ubuntu 16.04 安装。我的服务器有 shellcheck 0.3.7,这是 Ubuntu 16.04 必须提供的最新版本,所以我从 shellcheck 开发人员那里获取了最新的二进制文件并安装了它。

me@myserver:~$ mkdir .work && cd .work
me@myserver:~/.work$ wget -q https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/releases/download/stable/shellcheck-stable.linux.x86_64.tar.xz
me@myserver:~/.work$ ls


me@myserver:~/.work$ tar xvf shellcheck-stable.linux.x86_64.tar.xz


me@myserver:~/.work$ sudo chown root: shellcheck-stable/shellcheck
me@myserver:~/.work$ sudo mv /usr/bin/shellcheck .
me@myserver:~/.work$ sudo mv shellcheck-stable/shellcheck /usr/bin/
me@myserver:~/.work$ cd ../
me@myserver:~$ rm -rf .work/
me@myserver:~$ shellcheck -V

ShellCheck - shell script analysis tool
version: 0.7.1
license: GNU General Public License, version 3
website: https://www.shellcheck.net

我 运行 命令 shellcheck -x start.sh 我收到零错误。

me@myserver:~$ shellcheck -x start.sh

然后我强迫shellcheck给我一些错误。我在脚本末尾添加了 cat $myVariable

me@myserver:~$ echo "cat $myVariable" >> start.sh  
me@myserver:~$ cat start.sh

# shellcheck source=./.sourcefile
. .sourcefile

echo "Today is ${day}."
cat $myVariable

我测试了我的理论,shellcheck 按照我的 源文件 给出了我预期的错误。

me@myserver:~$ shellcheck -x start.sh

In start.sh line 7:
cat $myVariable
    ^---------^ SC2154: myVariable is referenced but not assigned.
    ^---------^ SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.

Did you mean:
cat "$myVariable"

For more information:
  https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2154 -- myVariable is referenced but not ...
  https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2086 -- Double quote to prevent globbing ...

然后我在没有 -x 选项的情况下执行 shellcheck 并且令我惊讶的是我收到了以下错误:

me@myserver:~$ shellcheck start.sh

In start.sh line 4:
. .sourcefile
  ^---------^ SC1091: Not following: ./.sourcefile was not specified as input (see shellcheck -x).

In start.sh line 6:
echo "Today is ${day}."
               ^----^ SC2154: day is referenced but not assigned.

In start.sh line 7:
cat $myVariable
    ^---------^ SC2154: myVariable is referenced but not assigned.
    ^---------^ SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.

Did you mean:
cat "$myVariable"

For more information:
  https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2154 -- day is referenced but not assigned.
  https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC1091 -- Not following: ./.sourcefile was ...
  https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2086 -- Double quote to prevent globbing ...

所以 shellcheck 更新到最新版本并且没有 -x 选项,也会给你一个关于你错过 -x 的错误 命令行选项。所以我决定在 start.sh

中注释掉 sourcefile 指令
me@myserver:~$ sed -i '3s/./#\ &/' start.sh
me@myserver:~$ cat start.sh

# # shellcheck source=./.sourcefile
. .sourcefile

echo "Today is ${day}."
cat $myVariable

现在看看 shellcheck 怎么想

me@myserver:~$ shellcheck -x start.sh

In start.sh line 7:
cat $myVariable
    ^---------^ SC2154: myVariable is referenced but not assigned.
    ^---------^ SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.

Did you mean:
cat "$myVariable"

For more information:
  https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2154 -- myVariable is referenced but not ...
  https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2086 -- Double quote to prevent globbing ...

哇啊啊啊?因此,我的简单脚本似乎确实不需要 sourcefile 指令,或者 shellcheck 仍然看到 sourcefile 指令 被注释掉了以数字符号作为数字符号已经开始源文件指令?因此,我完全删除了 sourcefile 指令 并注释掉了最后一行,该行引用了未在源文件中分配的 myVariable 变量。

me@myserver:~$ sed -i '3d' start.sh
me@myserver:~$ sed -i '$d' start.sh
me@myserver:~$ cat start.sh

. .sourcefile

echo "Today is ${day}."  

现在看看 shellcheck 报告的内容:

me@myserver:~$ shellcheck -x start.sh

-x 选项没有错误。现在检查 sourcefile 指令 是否不需要在一个简单的 shell 脚本的顶部,在 Ubuntu 16.04 上有最新版本的 shellcheck,我在没有 -x 选项的情况下执行 shellcheck

me@myserver:~$ shellcheck start.sh

In start.sh line 3:
. .sourcefile
  ^---------^ SC1091: Not following: .sourcefile was not specified as input (see shellcheck -x).

In start.sh line 5:
echo "Today is ${day}."
               ^----^ SC2154: day is referenced but not assigned.

For more information:
  https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2154 -- day is referenced but not assigned.
  https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC1091 -- Not following: .sourcefile was no...

所以,简而言之,如果 shellcheck 没有遵循您的源文件,请从开发人员的 github - (https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck) 更新 shellcheck 并通知 shellcheck 使用 -x 选项可以跟随一个源文件,如下所示:

shellcheck -x script.sh  


我使用 shellcheck 0.4.4,它还说:

In start.sh line 2: . "$(pwd)"/.sourcefile
^-- SC1090: Can't follow non-constant source. Use a directive to specify location.

这意味着您必须使用绝对路径,但 newer 版本可能支持 -P

如果您切换到非常量源,它将无法正常工作,因为 .sourcefile 需要一个 shebang,您必须使用 -x 添加此文件:

shellcheck -x .sourcefile start.sh


^-- SC2034: day appears unused. Verify it or export it.

Shellcheck 是一种静态分析工具。它不处理动态路径(基于变量或表达式)。作为替代方案,请考虑添加 source 指令。


# shellcheck source=./lib.sh
source "$(find_install_dir)/lib.sh"

source= 指令告诉 shellcheck 动态生成的文件名的位置。从问题来看,这应该是 .sourcefile.


记录在 https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/blob/master/shellcheck.1.md