Javascript 删除堆栈跟踪字符串中的最后一项
Javascript remove last item in stack trace string
我正在创建一个 Javascript 记录器,在其中,对于错误消息,我还添加了这样的堆栈跟踪:
function logMessage(logMessage)
let stackTrace = new Error().stack;
logMessage.stackTrace = stackTrace;
这给了我堆栈跟踪,但它也显然将 logMessage
如何删除最后一条跟踪,以便我只能看到调用 logMessage
之前的跟踪,但没有 logMessage
方法很简单,因为我们得到的堆栈是一个字符串除以 \n
at ... \n
at ... \n
let stackTrace = new Error().stack; //get the stack trace string
let arr = stackTrace.split("\n"); //create an array with all lines
arr.splice(1,1); //remove the second line (first line after "ERROR")
stackTrace = arr.join("\n"); //join array back to a string
堆栈跟踪 returns 以错误消息开头的多行字符串,然后是所有以 at {function name/position}
您可以简单地更改多行字符串并使用 split
和 join
绕过第一次出现的 at {function name/position}
stackTrace.split('\n').filter(function(line, index) { return index !== 1 }).join('\n');
function deepFunctionStack() {
return new Error().stack;
function layer1Function() {
return deepFunctionStack();
function topLayerFunction() {
return layer1Function();
var originalStack = topLayerFunction();
var formattedStack = originalStack.split('\n').filter(function(line, index) { return index !== 1 }).join('\n');
document.write('Original Stack:');
document.write('<pre>' + originalStack + '</pre>');
document.write('Formatted Stack:');
document.write('<pre>' + formattedStack + '</pre>');
这是处理 Firefox、Chrome 和 IE 堆栈跟踪之间差异的附加版本。它将从 Chrome 和 IE 中删除初始的“ERROR”行。它也比此处列出的其他版本快得多。
// stack: string - call stack string
// levels: int - number of levels to remove from the top of the call stack
function trimCallStack(stack, levels) {
if (stack) {
const newLineChar = "\n"; // Each line deliminated by '\n'
const isFirefoxCallStack = stack.indexOf("@") > -1; // If stacktrace contains '@' it is FireFox
// remove an additional line if browser is NOT FireFox (i.e. Chrome or IE) since those start stack trace with the error name
// remove N additional lines specified by `levels`
let iterations = (isFirefoxCallStack ? 0 : 1) + (levels ?? 0);
let start = 0;
while(iterations-- && start !== -1) {
start = stack.indexOf(newLineChar, start + 1);
stack = start !== -1 ? stack.substring(start + 1) : ""; // start === -1 if removing more lines than exist, so return "" in that case
return stack || "";
来自 FireFox 和 Chrome/IE 的堆栈跟踪示例:
Chrome/IE 堆栈跟踪:
Error: fail
at test (<anonymous>:2:8)
at test1 (<anonymous>:5:5)
at test2 (<anonymous>:8:5)
at test3 (<anonymous>:11:5)
at <anonymous>:1:5
Firefox 堆栈跟踪:
test@debugger eval code:2:8
test1@debugger eval code:5:5
test2@debugger eval code:8:5
test3@debugger eval code:11:5
@debugger eval code:1:5
Chrome/IE 堆栈跟踪:
at test (<anonymous>:2:8)
at test1 (<anonymous>:5:5)
at test2 (<anonymous>:8:5)
at test3 (<anonymous>:11:5)
at <anonymous>:1:5
Firefox 堆栈跟踪:
test@debugger eval code:2:8
test1@debugger eval code:5:5
test2@debugger eval code:8:5
test3@debugger eval code:11:5
@debugger eval code:1:5
我正在创建一个 Javascript 记录器,在其中,对于错误消息,我还添加了这样的堆栈跟踪:
function logMessage(logMessage)
let stackTrace = new Error().stack;
logMessage.stackTrace = stackTrace;
这给了我堆栈跟踪,但它也显然将 logMessage
如何删除最后一条跟踪,以便我只能看到调用 logMessage
之前的跟踪,但没有 logMessage
方法很简单,因为我们得到的堆栈是一个字符串除以 \n
at ... \n
at ... \n
let stackTrace = new Error().stack; //get the stack trace string
let arr = stackTrace.split("\n"); //create an array with all lines
arr.splice(1,1); //remove the second line (first line after "ERROR")
stackTrace = arr.join("\n"); //join array back to a string
堆栈跟踪 returns 以错误消息开头的多行字符串,然后是所有以 at {function name/position}
您可以简单地更改多行字符串并使用 split
和 join
at {function name/position}
stackTrace.split('\n').filter(function(line, index) { return index !== 1 }).join('\n');
function deepFunctionStack() {
return new Error().stack;
function layer1Function() {
return deepFunctionStack();
function topLayerFunction() {
return layer1Function();
var originalStack = topLayerFunction();
var formattedStack = originalStack.split('\n').filter(function(line, index) { return index !== 1 }).join('\n');
document.write('Original Stack:');
document.write('<pre>' + originalStack + '</pre>');
document.write('Formatted Stack:');
document.write('<pre>' + formattedStack + '</pre>');
这是处理 Firefox、Chrome 和 IE 堆栈跟踪之间差异的附加版本。它将从 Chrome 和 IE 中删除初始的“ERROR”行。它也比此处列出的其他版本快得多。
// stack: string - call stack string
// levels: int - number of levels to remove from the top of the call stack
function trimCallStack(stack, levels) {
if (stack) {
const newLineChar = "\n"; // Each line deliminated by '\n'
const isFirefoxCallStack = stack.indexOf("@") > -1; // If stacktrace contains '@' it is FireFox
// remove an additional line if browser is NOT FireFox (i.e. Chrome or IE) since those start stack trace with the error name
// remove N additional lines specified by `levels`
let iterations = (isFirefoxCallStack ? 0 : 1) + (levels ?? 0);
let start = 0;
while(iterations-- && start !== -1) {
start = stack.indexOf(newLineChar, start + 1);
stack = start !== -1 ? stack.substring(start + 1) : ""; // start === -1 if removing more lines than exist, so return "" in that case
return stack || "";
来自 FireFox 和 Chrome/IE 的堆栈跟踪示例:
Chrome/IE 堆栈跟踪:
Error: fail
at test (<anonymous>:2:8)
at test1 (<anonymous>:5:5)
at test2 (<anonymous>:8:5)
at test3 (<anonymous>:11:5)
at <anonymous>:1:5
Firefox 堆栈跟踪:
test@debugger eval code:2:8
test1@debugger eval code:5:5
test2@debugger eval code:8:5
test3@debugger eval code:11:5
@debugger eval code:1:5
Chrome/IE 堆栈跟踪:
at test (<anonymous>:2:8)
at test1 (<anonymous>:5:5)
at test2 (<anonymous>:8:5)
at test3 (<anonymous>:11:5)
at <anonymous>:1:5
Firefox 堆栈跟踪:
test@debugger eval code:2:8
test1@debugger eval code:5:5
test2@debugger eval code:8:5
test3@debugger eval code:11:5
@debugger eval code:1:5