typescript 如何键入一个 Proxy 来 curry 其 props 并注入一个 prop

typescript how to type a Proxy that curry its props and inject a prop

我有一个辅助函数,它接受函数的对象和 return 该对象的代理,其函数由注入的第一个参数组成。


// example of object
export const selectors = {
  selectA: (state:State) => state.a,
  addToA : (state:State, num:number) => state.a + num

// ... in another file my helper fn

import {useSelector} from 'react-redux';

export const function bindSelector(obj){
  return new Proxy(obj,{
    get: (main, key, ctx) => {
      const fn = main[key].bind(ctx);

      // always inject store as first prop of fn
      // we get store arg from useSelector higher order (its already properly typed)
      return props => useSelector( store=> fn(store, props) )


export default bindSelector(selectors);

所以我使用代理,这样我就不必包含 useSelector,或者在我使用它时将存储参数传递给每个选择器


import selectors from './a';

// now i can just
const a = selectors.selectA(); // give error param missing
const aAnd2 = selectors.addToA(2); // how to tell typescript that this first arg is in fact the 2nd arg :D !.


  1. 如果我将 bindSelector 键入 return 相同类型的 (obj),那么我会得到 selecte require 1 param 错误,因为 typescript 不知道我的代理已经提供了函数的第一个参数。


import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';

type State = {
  a: number
// example of object
export const selectors = {
  selectA: (state: State) => state.a,
  addToA: (state: State, num: number) => state.a + num

type CurriedFunctionObject<T> = {
  [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends (s: State, ...p: infer P) => infer R ? (...p: P) => R : never

export function bindSelector<T extends Record<string, (...a: any) => any>>(obj: T): CurriedFunctionObject<T> {
  return new Proxy(obj, {
    get: (main, key, ctx) => {
      const fn = main[key as keyof T].bind(ctx);

      // always inject store as first prop of fn
      // we get store arg from useSelector higher order (its already properly typed)
      return (args: any[]) => useSelector(store => fn(store, ...args))

  }) as any as CurriedFunctionObject<T>

const cSelectors = bindSelector(selectors);
const a = cSelectors.selectA(); // give error param missing
const aAnd2 = cSelectors.addToA(2)


您可以将条件类型中的 State 替换为任何类型,以使该类型适用于任何状态。