在 VS Code 中,是否可以在用户单击“...”之前的空白区域时禁用代码展开?

In VS Code, is it possible to disable code unfolding when the user clicks the blank area preceding the "..."?

不包括键盘快捷键,VSCode 中的折叠区域可以通过单击以下三个位置之一展开:

  1. [+] 按钮在装订线区域
  2. 该地区第一行代码最后一个字符前的“...”
  3. “...”右侧空白区域中的任意位置


v1.43 中可能会有用:https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-docs/blob/vnext/release-notes/v1_43.md#folding


There's a new setting that controls what happens when you click in the empty space behind a folded line (after the ...):

"editor.unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine": true.

By default the setting is turned off
