使用 VueJS 在 table 的输入中传递来自 Element UI 自动完成的值

Pass values from Element UI autocomplete in the inputs of a table using VueJS

我正在尝试使用 元素 UI 创建发票表单。我添加了一个自动完成功能,它从 loadAll 数组中获取数据。单击 add 按钮并从自动完成中选择 item_name 后,我想传递关联的 selling_price in the price input using handleSelect method and set the calculated the amount in the amount 使用 amountfn 方法输入,可以通过 onChange 更新 Qty 输入的值。

另外,当 item_name 已经添加到名称 input

中时,防止从自动完成部分选择重复的 item_name 会非常好


    <el-table :data="cart.items" style="width: 100%">
      <el-table-column label="Name">
        <template slot-scope="scope">
            placeholder="Please Input"
      <el-table-column label="QTY">
        <template slot-scope="scope">
          <el-input v-model="scope.row.qty"></el-input>
      <el-table-column label="Price">
        <template slot-scope="scope">
          <el-input v-model="scope.row.price"></el-input>
      <el-table-column label="Amount">
        <template slot-scope="scope">
          <el-input v-model="scope.row.total" value="amountfn" disabled></el-input>
        <template slot-scope="scope">
          <el-button type="danger" @click="removeLine(scope.$index)">Del</el-button>

      <el-button @click="addLine">Add</el-button>
      <el-col :span="6" :offset="14">Sub Total {{subTotal}}</el-col>
      <el-col :span="6" :offset="14">
        <el-form-item label="Discount" prop>
          <el-input placeholder v-model="cart.discount"></el-input>
      <el-col :span="6" :offset="14">Grand total {{grandTotal}}</el-col>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      cart: {
        items: [],
        discount: 0

      links: []
  methods: {
    removeLine(item) {
      if (item !== -1) {
        this.cart.items.splice(item, 1);
    addLine() {
        item_name: "",
        qty: 1,
        price: 0,
        total: 0
    querySearch(queryString, cb) {
      var links = this.links;
      var results = queryString
        ? links.filter(this.createFilter(queryString))
        : links;
      // call callback function to return suggestions
    createFilter(queryString) {
      return link => {
        return (
          link.item_name.toLowerCase().indexOf(queryString.toLowerCase()) === 0
    loadAll() {
      return [
          id: 2,
          upc_ean_isbn: "102",
          item_name: "Lucy Olive Oil",
          size: "150 ml",
          description: "na",
          avatar: "no-foto.png",
          cost_price: "110.00",
          selling_price: "130.00",
          quantity: 30,
          type: 1,
          created_at: "2019-07-05 21:20:10",
          updated_at: "2019-07-06 10:41:09"
          id: 8,
          upc_ean_isbn: "23001",
          item_name: "Pen Desk",
          size: "6 inch",
          description: "",
          avatar: "no photos",
          cost_price: "300.00",
          selling_price: "350.00",
          quantity: 5,
          type: 1,
          created_at: "2019-10-25 14:42:07",
          updated_at: "2019-10-25 14:42:07"
          id: 9,
          upc_ean_isbn: "789",
          item_name: "Ink",
          size: "10 mL",
          description: "NA",
          avatar: "no photos",
          cost_price: "40.00",
          selling_price: "60.00",
          quantity: 17,
          type: 1,
          created_at: "2019-10-25 18:22:23",
          updated_at: "2019-10-25 18:22:23"
          id: 10,
          upc_ean_isbn: "2001",
          item_name: "Phone",
          size: "na",
          description: "na",
          avatar: "no photos",
          cost_price: "12000.00",
          selling_price: "14000.00",
          quantity: 5,
          type: 1,
          created_at: "2019-10-25 18:23:31",
          updated_at: "2019-10-25 18:23:31"
          id: 11,
          upc_ean_isbn: "999",
          item_name: "Tasty tea",
          size: "100 g",
          description: "",
          avatar: "no photos",
          cost_price: "30.00",
          selling_price: "40.00",
          quantity: 30,
          type: 1,
          created_at: "2019-10-25 18:55:39",
          updated_at: "2019-10-25 18:55:39"
    handleSelect(item) {
      this.cart.items.item_name = item.item_name;
      this.cart.items.price = item.selling_price;
      console.log("this", this.cart.items);
      console.log("that", item);

  mounted() {
    this.links = this.loadAll();

  computed: {
    subTotal: function() {
      return this.cart.items.reduce(function(carry, item) {
        return carry + parseFloat(item.qty) * parseFloat(item.price);
      }, 0);
    grandTotal: function() {
      return this.subTotal - parseFloat(this.cart.discount);

    amountfn: function() {
      return this.cart.items.reduce(function(item) {
        return parseFloat(item.qty) * parseFloat(item.price);
      }, 0);

这是我的 jsfiddle



您的问题与您不知道要更新 handleSelect 中的哪一行有关。由于您无法为 handleSelect 方法提供额外的参数,因此您可以通过在 auto-complete 获得焦点时设置 currentItem 来做到这一点。



在 JS 中更新您的 data/methods:

 data() {
    return {
      currentItem: null,
      // other already existing data
  methods: {
    // other already existing methods
    setCurrentItem(item) {
        this.currentItem = item
    handleSelect(item) {
      this.currentItem.item_name = item.item_name;
      this.currentItem.price = item.selling_price;

对于唯一值,您必须创建一个计算值,其中 returns 除了已使用的值之外的所有值

要更新一行的价格,您可以通过两种不同的方式执行此操作(无论哪种方式都可以删除 amountfn 方法):

  1. 更改时,但仅当字段失去焦点时才会触发操作

    <el-input v-model="scope.row.price" @change="updateTotal(scope.row)"></el-input>
    updateTotal(item) {
       item.total = item.price * item.qty
  2. 使用深度监视,立即执行更新

     watch: {
        'cart.items' : {
            deep: true,
            handler: (items) => {
               items.forEach(element => element.total = element.price * element.qty)