MS Word - 找到 table 行包含换行的文本

MS Word - find table rows with wrapped text

我有一个 table,其中所有单元格都有 Cell.WordWrap set to true. Some of them have text longer than cell width so it's wrapped. I need to find them (with longer text) and set them Cell.FitText = True,但不知道如何。

我试图阅读 row/cell .height. 但它不是 return 真实 row/cell 高度而是最小高度,无论 Cell.HeightRule 如何设置。



  • Word对象模型提供了Information属性,它有很多枚举成员,包括wdFirstCharacterLineNumber.
  • table 中的每个单元格都在循环中检查。确定单元格中第一个字符的行号后,将 Range 折叠到它的终点(即下一个单元格的开头),然后向后移动一个字符(将其放在原始单元格中)和行号检查单元格中最后一个字符的字符。
  • 如果第二个大于第一个,则将单元格添加到数组中。 (注:有可能直接处理单元格,但如果影响到其他单元格,最好先把它们都加到一个数组中,再处理数组。)
  • 最后,数组被循环并且每个单元格格式化为FitText = True
Sub ChangeCellWrapForLongLinesOfText()
        Dim tbl As Word.Table
        Dim cel As Word.Cell
        Dim rngCel As Word.Range
        Dim multiLineCells() As Word.Cell
        Dim firstLine As Long
        Dim lastLine As Long
        Dim i As Long, x As Long

        Set tbl = ActiveDocument.Tables(1)
        For Each cel In tbl.Range.Cells
            Set rngCel = cel.Range
            firstLine = rngCel.Information(wdFirstCharacterLineNumber)
            rngCel.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
            rngCel.MoveEnd wdCharacter, -1
            lastLine = rngCel.Information(wdFirstCharacterLineNumber)
            If lastLine > firstLine Then
                ReDim Preserve multiLineCells(i)
                Set multiLineCells(i) = cel
                i = i + 1
            End If
            'Debug.Print i, UBound(multiLineCells())
        For x = LBound(multiLineCells()) To UBound(multiLineCells())
            'Debug.Print multiLineCells(x).Range.Text
            multiLineCells(x).FitText = True
End Sub