`M` 在 restrict AngularJS 选项中代表什么?

What does `M` stand for in the restrict AngularJS option?

M 在限制 AngularJS 选项中代表什么?

AngularJS Developer Guide - Directives 文档中我看到:

The restrict option is typically set to:


'C' - only matches class name

'M' - only matches comment


我在互联网上没有找到任何相关信息。我的猜测是 m 是单词 commentc 之后的下一个辅音字母,并且由于 c 已被评论采用,因此 m 是用过。

这完全符合它所说的 - 允许将指令与评论相匹配。


directive('yourDirective', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'M',
        template: '<span>Something in here</span>'


<!-- directive: your-directive -->



Best Practice: Prefer using directives via tag name and attributes over comment and class names. Doing so generally makes it easier to determine what directives a given element matches.

Best Practice: Comment directives were commonly used in places where the DOM API limits the ability to create directives that spanned multiple elements (e.g. inside elements). AngularJS 1.2 introduces ng-repeat-start and ng-repeat-end as a better solution to this problem. Developers are encouraged to use this over custom comment directives when possible.
