如何最大化收入 - Python

How to maximize revenue - Python

我有一个由每小时股价组成的大 df。我希望找到最佳买入价和卖出价以最大化收益(收入 - 成本)。我不知道最大的 buy/sell 价格是多少,因此我最初的猜测是在黑暗中胡乱试探。

我尝试使用 Scipy 'minimize' 和 'basin hopping'。当我 运行 脚本时,我似乎陷入了局部井,结果几乎没有偏离我最初的猜测。



import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as optimize

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'Time': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
    'Price': [44, 100, 40, 110, 77, 109, 65, 93, 89, 49]})

# Create Empty Columns
df[['Qty', 'Buy', 'Sell', 'Cost', 'Rev']] = pd.DataFrame([[0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00]], index=df.index)

# Create Predicate to add fields
class Predicate:
    def __init__(self):
        self.prev_time = -1
        self.prev_qty = 0
        self.prev_buy = 0
        self.prev_sell = 0
        self.Qty = 0
        self.Buy = 0
        self.Sell = 0
        self.Cost = 0
        self.Rev = 0

    def __call__(self, x):
        if x.Time == self.prev_time:
            x.Qty = self.prev_qty
            x.Buy = self.prev_buy
            x.Sell = self.prev_sell
            x.Cost = x.Buy * x.Price
            x.Rev = x.Sell * x.Price
            x.Qty = self.prev_qty + self.prev_buy - self.prev_sell
            x.Buy = np.where(x.Price < buy_price, min(30 - x.Qty, 10), 0)
            x.Sell = np.where(x.Price > sell_price, min(x.Qty, 10), 0)
            x.Cost = x.Buy * x.Price
            x.Rev = x.Sell * x.Price
            self.prev_buy = x.Buy
            self.prev_qty = x.Qty
            self.prev_sell = x.Sell
            self.prev_time = x.Time
        return x

# Define function to minimize
def max_rev(params):
    global buy_price
    global sell_price
    buy_price, sell_price = params
    df2 = df.apply(Predicate(), axis=1)
    return -1 * (df2['Rev'].sum() - df2['Cost'].sum())

# Run optimization
initial_guess = [40, 90]
result = optimize.minimize(fun=max_rev, x0=initial_guess, method='BFGS')
# result = optimize.basinhopping(func=max_rev, x0=initial_guess, niter=1000, stepsize=10)

# Run the final results
result.x = buy_price, sell_price
df = df.apply(Predicate(), axis=1)
print(df['Rev'].sum() - df['Cost'].sum())

您没有提供很多细节,但我假设您考虑了 "perfect foresight" 收入最大化问题 - 即您一开始就知道价格将如何演变。


您需要添加一个限制条件,即您只能以有限数量的现金开始,并且您只能出售您拥有的股票(严格来说这并不正确,可以 "short-sell"你现在卖东西的地方是期望它的价值会下降(当你以后必须再次购买它时)。


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pulp import *

# Problem Data
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'Time': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
    'Price': [44, 100, 40, 110, 77, 109, 65, 93, 89, 49]})

times = list(df.Time)
times_plus_1 = times + [times[-1] + 1]

# Instantiate maximisation problem
prob = LpProblem("numpy_constraints", LpMaximize)

# Create the problem vairables
# Cash in bank and stock-level at start of each interval
Cash = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Cash", times_plus_1, cat='Continuous', lowBound=0)
Stock = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Stock", times_plus_1, cat='Continuous', lowBound=0)

# Amount bought during interval
Buy = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("Buy", times, cat='Continuous')

# Add Objective to problem - cash at end of period modelled
prob += Cash[times_plus_1[-1]]

# Add constraints
# Start with a single dollar in the bank & no stock
prob += Cash[times[0]] == 1.0
prob += Stock[times[0]] == 0.0

# Cash & stock update rules
for t in times:
    prob += Cash[t+1] == Cash[t] - Buy[t]*df.Price[t]
    prob += Stock[t+1] == Stock[t] + Buy[t]

# Solve

# Check when we bought when:
Buy_soln = np.array([Buy[t].varValue for t in times])

Stock_soln = np.array([Stock[t].varValue for t in times_plus_1])

Cash_soln = np.array([Cash[t].varValue for t in times_plus_1])


[ 0.02272727 -0.02272727  0.05681818 -0.05681818  0.08116883 -0.08116883
  0.13611389 -0.13611389  0.          0.        ]
[0.         0.02272727 0.         0.05681818 0.         0.08116883
 0.         0.13611389 0.         0.         0.        ]
[ 1.         0.         2.2727273  0.         6.25       0.
  8.8474026  0.        12.658591  12.658591  12.658591 ]

不是特别有趣 - 正如预期的那样,使用所有可用现金来利用股价的任何上涨(低买高卖)。