Confluent 控制中心未启动

Confluent Control Center is not starting

confluent control center 未启动。

我执行了以下命令来启动 Confluent 平台

  1. Zookeeper 开始(1 号航站楼)
  2. Kafka启动(2号航站楼)
  3. Schema Registry 开始(3 号航站楼)

  4. 然后我尝试启动控制中心(4 号航站楼)。但是得到了错误。未启动。

    [2019-10-30 08:58:36,331] INFO [main] unable to get command store (io.confluent.command.CommandStore)
    [2019-10-30 08:58:37,331] INFO [main] unable to get command store (io.confluent.command.CommandStore)
    [2019-10-30 08:58:37,331] WARN [main] unable to start with allowance=300000 (io.confluent.command.CommandStore)
    [2019-10-30 08:58:37,332] ERROR [main] failed to start topology (io.confluent.controlcenter.ControlCenter)
        at io.confluent.command.CommandStore.start(
        at io.confluent.controlcenter.ControlCenter.main(

通过更新属性文件中的控制中心 ID 工作
