
Powershell, Switch naming ParameterSets

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我希望或多或少是一个简单的问题,但我的大脑被炸了。我正在尝试编写一个模块来设置注册表项权限,名为 'Set-RegistryPermissions',并且在命名我的开关和创建可接受的参数集时遇到了一个小问题。我想出了以下内容,但到了最后一行却被难住了。

    # -Recurse                  Sets Permissions for supplied key and subkeys (entire tree)

    # -Inherit                  Sets Inheritance for supplied key
    # -SubkeyInherit            Sets Inheritance for only subkeys (entire subkey tree)

    # -Inherit -Recurse         Sets Inheritance for supplied key and subkeys (entire tree)
    # -SubkeyInherit -Recurse   Sets Permissions for supplied key and Inheritance for subkeys (entire subkey tree)

我越看越糊涂。也许我可以结合使用 -Inherit & -SubkeyInherit 而不是 -Inherit -Recurse 或者重新开始并使用 SetSuppliedKey、Recurse、Set 之类的东西...啊我又糊涂了。 有什么建议吗?


为了回应@Scepticalist 的评论,我想出了以下内容,它还允许我添加“-Permissions -Subkeys”。

我确实认为我可以将“-Permissions -Recurse”更改为“-Permissions -All”,但这听起来更难理解,或者我可以将“-Inherit -All”更改为“-Inherit -Recurse”并废弃-All 开关,但这可能会使最后一个选项变得混乱,例如您试图递归所有权限以及继承。

也许我只是想多了,或者试图在一个命令中做太多事情。如果命令 运行 两次,设置权限然后设置继承可能会更容易。


# -Permissions (Parameter)
# -Recurse (Switch)
# -Inherit (Switch)
# -Subkeys (Switch)
# -All (Switch)

# -Permissions              Sets Permissions for supplied key
# -Permissions -Subkeys     Sets Permissions for only subkeys (entire subkey tree)
# -Permissions -Recurse     Sets Permissions for supplied key and subkeys (entire tree)

# -Inherit                  Sets Inheritance for supplied key
# -Inherit -Subkeys         Sets Inheritance for only subkeys (entire subkey tree)
# -Inherit -All             Sets Inheritance for supplied key and subkeys (entire tree)

# -Permissions -Inherit -Subkeys    Sets Permissions for supplied key and Inheritance for subkeys (entire subkey tree)
# -Permissions -Inherit -All        Sets Permissions for supplied key and Inheritance for entire tree

这些是唯一有效的组合,无效组合的一个例子是, -Permissions -Subkeys -Recurse,或 -Permissions -Subkeys -All


通读一遍我想我可能会将 'Subkeys' 更改为 'InheritSubkeys' 并废弃 'All' 开关,使最后 4 行被读取,

# -InheritSubkeys           Sets Inheritance for only subkeys (entire subkey tree)
# -Inherit -InheritSubkeys  Sets Inheritance for supplied key and subkeys (entire tree)

# -Permissions -InheritSubkeys            Sets Permissions for supplied key and Inheritance for subkeys (entire subkey tree)
# -Permissions -Inherit -InheritSubkeys   Sets Permissions for supplied key and Inheritance for entire tree


Get-Help 正确显示,Tab 自动补全功能正常,并且在输入破折号后仅显示有效参数(如果存在其他参数)。



# -User          (Mandatory)
# -RegKey        (Mandatory)
# -Rights        (Allow | Deny)
# -Permissions   (Validateset)
# -Recurse       (Switch)
# -SubkeysOnly   (Switch)
# -Inherit       (SingleKey | All | Subkeys)

# -Permissions -Rights                    Sets Permissions for supplied key
# -Permissions -Rights -Recurse           Sets Permissions for supplied key and subkeys (entire tree)
# -Permissions -Rights -SubkeysOnly       Sets Permissions for only subkeys (entire subkey tree)

# -Inherit SingleKey                      Sets Inheritance for supplied key
# -Inherit Subkeys                        Sets Inheritance for only subkeys (entire subkey tree)
# -Inherit All                            Sets Inheritance for supplied key and subkeys (entire tree)

# -Permissions -Rights -Inherit Subkeys   Sets Permissions for supplied key and Inheritance for subkeys (entire subkey tree)
# -Permissions -Rights -Inherit All       Sets Permissions for supplied key and Inheritance for entire tree 

function Set-RegistryPermissions
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$false)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$false)]

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'PermissionsInherit', Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SubKeysOnly', Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Recurse', Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'PermissionsRights', Mandatory = $true)]
    [Validateset("ChangePermissions","CreateSubKey","Delete","EnumerateSubKeys","ExecuteKey","FullControl", ``

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Recurse', Mandatory = $true)]

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SubKeysOnly', Mandatory = $true)]

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Inherit', Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'PermissionsInherit', Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline=$false)]

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SubKeysOnly', Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Recurse', Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'PermissionsInherit', Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'PermissionsRights', Mandatory = $true)]

Get-Help Set-RegistryPermissions

如果要复制和测试,权限ValidateSet 中应该只有一个反引号(`)。我不得不加一秒钟才能让它显示在这里。

Get-Help 的结果

Set-RegistryPermissions -User <string> -RegKey <string> -Permissions {ChangePermissions | CreateSubKey | Delete | EnumerateSubKeys | ExecuteKey | FullControl | Notify | QueryValues | ReadKey | ReadPermissions | SetValue | TakeOwnership | WriteKey} 
-Rights {Allow | Deny}  [<CommonParameters>]

Set-RegistryPermissions -User <string> -RegKey <string> -Permissions {ChangePermissions | CreateSubKey | Delete | EnumerateSubKeys | ExecuteKey | FullControl | Notify | QueryValues | ReadKey | ReadPermissions | SetValue | TakeOwnership | WriteKey} 
-Recurse -Rights {Allow | Deny}  [<CommonParameters>]

Set-RegistryPermissions -User <string> -RegKey <string> -Permissions {ChangePermissions | CreateSubKey | Delete | EnumerateSubKeys | ExecuteKey | FullControl | Notify | QueryValues | ReadKey | ReadPermissions | SetValue | TakeOwnership | WriteKey} 
-SubKeysOnly -Rights {Allow | Deny}  [<CommonParameters>]

Set-RegistryPermissions -User <string> -RegKey <string> -Permissions {ChangePermissions | CreateSubKey | Delete | EnumerateSubKeys | ExecuteKey | FullControl | Notify | QueryValues | ReadKey | ReadPermissions | SetValue | TakeOwnership | WriteKey} 
-Inherit {SingleKey | All | Subkeys} -Rights {Allow | Deny}  [<CommonParameters>]

Set-RegistryPermissions -User <string> -RegKey <string> -Inherit {SingleKey | All | Subkeys}  [<CommonParameters>]

权限的 ValidateSet 可能会使它有点难以阅读,但它是正确的。