如何在不注册接收者号码的情况下使用 twilio whatsapp 发送自定义通知?

How to send custom notifications using twilio whatsapp without registering receiver's number?

我已按照 https://www.twilio.com/docs/sms/whatsapp/quickstart/node 中的以下步骤进行操作,这非常适合我使用自定义消息注册的号码。 现在我用我拥有的另一个 WhatsApp 号码更改​​了号码,但它没有向该号码发送消息。不注册怎么发送? 请注意,我有一个试用帐户。

// This works
const whatsappMessage = await textTransport.messages
        from: 'whatsapp:+14155238886',
        body: 'Hello there!',
        to: 'whatsapp:+91888888888' // registered number to twilin
// This doesnt work
const whatsappMessage = await textTransport.messages
        from: 'whatsapp:+14155238886',
        body: 'Hello there!',
        to: 'whatsapp:+91999999999'  // not registered

要向新号码接收消息,必须从新号码发送 join [KEY-WORD] 到 WhatsApp 号码,就像您对第一个号码所做的那样

此处为 Twilio 开发人员布道师。

Twilio API for WhatsApp allows you to test using our sandbox. However, to send messages to your users without the sandbox restrictions you need to request your own WhatsApp enabled number