
Why my Java method is not listed in CPU-Profiler in AndroidStudio3.5.1?

我正在使用 Android Studio3.5.1 进行 cpu 分析,使用 Android-Profiler 使用示例 Java 方法 option.When 非优化版本我使用的一种方法,方法在方法跟踪窗格中列出。但是当我尝试使用相同方法的优化版本时,该方法没有在窗格中列出。


public int computeFibonacci(int positionInFibSequence) {
     int prev = 0;
     int current = 1;
     int newValue;
     for (int i=1; i<positionInFibSequence; i++) {
         newValue = current + prev;
         prev = current;
         current = newValue;
     return current;

     /*if (positionInFibSequence <= 2) {
         return 1;
     } else {
         return computeFibonacci(positionInFibSequence - 1)
                 + computeFibonacci(positionInFibSequence - 2);



An inherent issue of sampled-based tracing is that if your app enters a method after a capture of the call stack and exits the method before the next capture, that method call is not logged by the profiler. If you are interested in tracing methods with such short lifecycles, you should use instrumented tracing.

word of official document

