PyZMQ 请求套接字 - 挂在 context.term()

PyZMQ req socket - hang on context.term()

努力在服务器不可用时正确关闭基于 pyzmq 的简单客户端。以下是 2 个片段。

首先是服务器。这或多或少是 pyzmq 示例。这里没有特殊代码:

import zmq
import json

port = 5555

context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)

while True:
    message = socket.recv_json()
    socket.send_json({'response': 'Hello'})


import zmq

ip = 'localhost'
port = 5555
addr ="tcp://{0}:{1}".format(ip, port)
message = {'value': 10}

context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)

if socket.poll(timeout=1000, flags=zmq.POLLOUT) != 0:
    socket.send_json(message, flags=zmq.NOBLOCK)        
    if socket.poll(timeout=1000, flags=zmq.POLLIN) != 0:
        response = socket.recv_json()




如果服务器不是 运行,客户端会立即通过第一个 socket.poll 调用(因为 zmq 只是在内部缓冲消息)。它在第二次 socket.poll 调用时阻塞 1 秒,并正确地跳过 recv_json 块。然后它挂在 context.term() 调用上。我的理解是,通过搜索,如果有未关闭的套接字,这将挂起,但似乎并非如此。



超时是可能的,但这将不允许硬连线 REQ/REP 两步舞继续存在,如果一侧超时 d分布式 Finite State 中的强制步骤A自动机方案(dFSA不能走单边捷径,它是双边dFSA)。


If the server is not running, the client passes immediately through the first socket.poll call (since zmq just buffers the message internally). It blocks for 1 second on the second socket.poll call and correctly skips the recv_json block. It then hangs on the context.term() call.



def  Test( SetImmediate = False ):
     import zmq, json, time;                                                      print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "import-s: DONE... VER: " ), zmq.zmq_version() )
     ip      = 'localhost';                                                       print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "ip SET..." ) )
     port    =  5555;                                                             print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "port SET..." ) )
     addr    = "tcp://{0}:{1}".format( ip, port );                                print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "addr SET..." ) )
     message = { 'value': 10 };                                                   print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "message SET..." ) )
     context = zmq.Context();                                                     print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "Context INSTANTIATED..." ),                       "|", zmq.strerror( zmq.zmq_errno() ) )
     pass;              aReqSock = context.socket( zmq.REQ );                     print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "Socket INSTANTIATED..." ),                        "|", zmq.strerror( zmq.zmq_errno() ) )
     pass;         rc = aReqSock.getsockopt(       zmq.LINGER       );            print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "Socket.getsockopt( zmq.LINGER    ) GOT..." ), rc, "|", zmq.strerror( zmq.zmq_errno() ) ) #
     pass;              aReqSock.setsockopt(       zmq.LINGER,    0 );            print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "Socket.setsockopt( zmq.LINGER    ) SET..." ),     "|", zmq.strerror( zmq.zmq_errno() ) ) # do not let LINGER block on closing sockets with waiting msgs
     pass;         rc = aReqSock.getsockopt(       zmq.LINGER       );            print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "Socket.getsockopt( zmq.LINGER    ) GOT..." ), rc, "|", zmq.strerror( zmq.zmq_errno() ) ) #
     pass;         rc = aReqSock.getsockopt(       zmq.IMMEDIATE    );            print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "Socket.getsockopt( zmq.IMMEDIATE ) GOT..." ), rc, "|", zmq.strerror( zmq.zmq_errno() ) ) #
     if SetImmediate:
                        aReqSock.setsockopt(       zmq.IMMEDIATE, 1 );            print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "Socket.setsockopt( zmq.IMMEDIATE ) SET..." ),     "|", zmq.strerror( zmq.zmq_errno() ) ) # do not enqueue msgs for incoplete connections
     pass;         rc = aReqSock.getsockopt(       zmq.IMMEDIATE    );            print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "Socket.getsockopt( zmq.IMMEDIATE ) GOT..." ), rc, "|", zmq.strerror( zmq.zmq_errno() ) ) #
     pass;              aReqSock.connect( addr );                                 print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "Socket.connect() DONE..." ),                      "|", zmq.strerror( zmq.zmq_errno() ) )
     pass;        rc  = aReqSock.poll( timeout = 1000, flags = zmq.POLLOUT );     print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "rc = .poll( 1000 [ms], zmq.POLLOUT ) SET..." ),   "|", zmq.strerror( zmq.zmq_errno() ) )
     if      0 != rc: # aReqSock.poll( timeout = 1000, flags = zmq.POLLOUT ) != 0:# .poll() BLOCKS ~ 1s +NEVER gets a .POLLOUT for an empty TxQueue, does it?
         pass;                                                                    print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "rc was NON-ZERO... ==  " ), rc )
         pass;          aReqSock.send_json( message,   flags = zmq.NOBLOCK )      # .send()-s dispatches message the REP-side may .recv() at some later time
         pass;                                                                    print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), ".send_json( zmq.NOBLOCK ): DONE..." ),            "|", zmq.strerror( zmq.zmq_errno() ) )
         pass;    rc  = aReqSock.poll( timeout = 1000, flags = zmq.POLLIN  );     print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "rc = .poll( 1000 [ms], zmq.POLLIN ) SET..." ),    "|", zmq.strerror( zmq.zmq_errno() ) )
         if  0 != rc: # aReqSock.poll( timeout = 1000, flags = zmq.POLLIN  ) != 0:# .poll() BLOCKS < 1s = depends on REP-side response latency ( turn-around-time )
             pass;                                                                print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "rc was NON-ZERO... == " ), rc )
             response = aReqSock.recv_json()                                      # .recv() BLOCKS until ... if ever ...
             print( response );                                                   print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), ".recv_json() COMPLETED" ),                       "|", zmq.strerror( zmq.zmq_errno() ) )
     pass;                                                                        print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "if-ed code-block COMPLETED" ) )
     rc = aReqSock.disconnect( addr );                                            print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "Socket.disconnect() RETURNED CODE ~ " ), rc,     "|", zmq.strerror( zmq.zmq_errno() ) )
     rc = aReqSock.close(      linger = 0 );                                      print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "Socket.close() RETURNED CODE ~ " ),      rc,     "|", zmq.strerror( zmq.zmq_errno() ) )
     rc = context.term();                                                         print( "{0:_>21.10f}_ACK: {1:}".format( time.monotonic(), "Context.term() RETURNED CODE ~ " ),      rc,     "|", zmq.strerror( zmq.zmq_errno() ) )


>>> Test( SetImmediate = False )
____947107.0356056700_ACK: import-s: DONE... VER:  4.2.5
____947107.0356727780_ACK: ip SET...
____947107.0356969039_ACK: port SET...
____947107.0357236000_ACK: addr SET...
____947107.0357460320_ACK: message SET...
____947107.0358552620_ACK: Context INSTANTIATED... | Success
____947107.0362445670_ACK: Socket INSTANTIATED... | Success
____947107.0363074190_ACK: Socket.getsockopt( zmq.LINGER    ) GOT... -1 | Success
____947107.0363573120_ACK: Socket.setsockopt( zmq.LINGER    ) SET... | Invalid argument
____947107.0364004780_ACK: Socket.getsockopt( zmq.LINGER    ) GOT... 0 | Success
____947107.0364456220_ACK: Socket.getsockopt( zmq.IMMEDIATE ) GOT... 0 | Success
____947107.0364890840_ACK: Socket.getsockopt( zmq.IMMEDIATE ) GOT... 0 | Success
____947107.0365797410_ACK: Socket.connect() DONE... | Resource temporarily unavailable
____947107.0366972820_ACK: rc = .poll( 1000 [ms], zmq.POLLOUT ) SET... | Resource temporarily unavailable
____947107.0367464600_ACK: rc was NON-ZERO... ==   2
____947107.0368948240_ACK: .send_json( zmq.NOBLOCK ): DONE... | Resource temporarily unavailable
____947108.0381633660_ACK: rc = .poll( 1000 [ms], zmq.POLLIN ) SET... | Resource temporarily unavailable
____947108.0382736750_ACK: if-ed code-block COMPLETED
____947108.0383544239_ACK: Socket.disconnect() RETURNED CODE ~  None | Resource temporarily unavailable
____947108.0384234400_ACK: Socket.close() RETURNED CODE ~  None | Invalid argument
____947108.0386644470_ACK: Context.term() RETURNED CODE ~  None | Success

>>> Test( SetImmediate = True )
____947119.1267617550_ACK: import-s: DONE... VER:  4.2.5
____947119.1268189061_ACK: ip SET...
____947119.1268382660_ACK: port SET...
____947119.1268587380_ACK: addr SET...
____947119.1268772170_ACK: message SET...
____947119.1269678050_ACK: Context INSTANTIATED... | Success
____947119.1271884360_ACK: Socket INSTANTIATED... | Success
____947119.1272257260_ACK: Socket.getsockopt( zmq.LINGER    ) GOT... -1 | Success
____947119.1272587100_ACK: Socket.setsockopt( zmq.LINGER    ) SET... | Invalid argument
____947119.1272875509_ACK: Socket.getsockopt( zmq.LINGER    ) GOT... 0 | Success
____947119.1273175071_ACK: Socket.getsockopt( zmq.IMMEDIATE ) GOT... 0 | Success
____947119.1273461781_ACK: Socket.setsockopt( zmq.IMMEDIATE ) SET... | Invalid argument
____947119.1273732870_ACK: Socket.getsockopt( zmq.IMMEDIATE ) GOT... 1 | Success
____947119.1274376540_ACK: Socket.connect() DONE... | Resource temporarily unavailable
____947120.1287043930_ACK: rc = .poll( 1000 [ms], zmq.POLLOUT ) SET... | Resource temporarily unavailable
____947120.1287937190_ACK: if-ed code-block COMPLETED
____947120.1288697980_ACK: Socket.disconnect() RETURNED CODE ~  None | Resource temporarily unavailable
____947120.1289412400_ACK: Socket.close() RETURNED CODE ~  None | Invalid argument
____947120.1291404651_ACK: Context.term() RETURNED CODE ~  None | Success

证明假设不正确:context.term()没有问题,但是.connect( aTransportClass_Target )如何对抗正在内部处理不存在的目标。

令我惊讶的是,在测试版本 ( v4.2.5 ) 中 .poll( zmq.POLLOUT ) 报告 2 项目在 .POLLOUT-direction 已经存在于用户报告的 TxQueue-state 中,没有明确显示 .send()(因为 .poll().connect()).

在我看来,这与以前的版本有些不一致(好像它会尝试报告 .connect() 相关的 "protocol/identity" 遥测,而不是仅报告用户应用程序级别的消息).

虽然我在试图找出一些基本原理时可能是错误的,但为什么一个基本上为空的队列会尝试报告一条已经在其 .POLLOUT 方向内的消息,我希望已经充分证明,该问题与 Context()-instance 的 .LINGER == 0 / .term()-ination 无关.
