使用 excel vba 确定是否连接到 VPN 或 Office Intranet 或 Office Wifi

Determine if connected to VPN or Office Intranet or Office Wifi using excel vba

我有以下代码可以成功检查我是否从家里连接到 VPN 以访问公司网络文件夹。

Sub doit()
    If ConnectedToVPN Then
    ' run other code to access network folders and files...
    End if
End Sub

Function ConnectedToVPN() As Boolean
   Dim sComputer$, oWMIService, colItems, objItem

   ConnectedToVPN = False
   sComputer = "."

   Set oWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\" & sComputer & "\root\CIMV2")
   Set colItems = oWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration", , 48)

    'Please check description of your VPN Connection by running command "ipconfig /all" on command-line.

    For Each objItem In colItems
        If (InStr(LCase(objItem.Description), "vpn")) Then
            ConnectedToVPN = objItem.IPEnabled
        End If
    Next objItem

    If (ConnectedToVPN) Then ConnectedToVPN = True

End Function



那么 objItem properties 会确定我已经通过 Office Wifi 或 Office LAN 连接到 Intranet。例如确定我所连接的 Statetype of Adapter 的属性,即是否 WifiEthernet 等?

难道不能ping通服务器吗?如果您在办公室或通过 VPN 连接,它应该响应 ping。如果您未连接,它将不会接听。

Dim PingResults As Object
Dim PingResult As Variant
Dim Query As String
Dim Host As String

Host = "YourFileServerHostName"
Query = "SELECT * FROM Win32_PingStatus WHERE Address = '" & Host & "'"

Set PingResults = GetObject("winmgmts://./root/cimv2").ExecQuery(Query)

For Each PingResult In PingResults
    If Not IsObject(PingResult) Then
        Ping = False
    ElseIf PingResult.StatusCode = 0 Then
        Ping = True
        Ping = False
    End If