
how to get a value from an escaping closure and assign it to a variable and display in tableview

我使用 CoreLocation 计算了距离,但无法将距离分配给变量并在 Tableview 中显示该值。


// This function will accept a string and convert to CLLocation
func forwardGeocoding(address:String, completion: @escaping ((CLLocation?) -> Void))
    let geocoder = CLGeocoder()
    geocoder.geocodeAddressString(address, completionHandler: { (placemarks, error) in
        if let error = error
            // found locations, then perform the next task using closure
            let placemark = placemarks?[0]
            completion(placemark?.location) // execute closure

// This function will find the distance, assign it to a local variable and return it 
func searchDistance(_ address: String) -> Double
    var distance: Double = 0
    self.forwardGeocoding(address:address, completion: {(location) in
        if let locationTo = location {
            // calculate distance
            distance = (self.mainDelegate.currLocation?.distance(from: locationTo))!
            // distance has value here
            print("distance in closure \(distance)")

        } else {
            // not found destination, show alert
            print("cannot find address")
    print(distance) // fails to catch the distance, always 0
    return distance      

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {

    let tableCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "DonorCell", for: indexPath) as? DonorListTableViewCell ?? DonorListTableViewCell(style: .default, reuseIdentifier: "DonorCell")

    let index = indexPath.row
    tableCell.donorName?.text = donors[index].organizationName
    tableCell.donorAddress?.text = "\(donors[index].street ?? ""), \( donors[index].city ?? "")"
    tableCell.donorPhone?.text = donors[index].phoneNumber

    let donorAddress = "\(donors[index].street ?? "") \(donors[index].city ?? "") \(donors[index].postalCode ?? "")"

    // This is always 0
    let distanceOnMap = searchDistance(donorAddress)

    return tableCell

我假设这是@escaping 问题,但我不知道如何修改它以在 table 单元格中成功显示距离。请帮忙

问题在老师的帮助下解决了。 解决方案是创建一个实例变量,然后直接在闭包中调用 self.tableview.reload 。在 tableView cellForRowAT 中,只是从实例变量加载值。

func searchAddress(_ address: String)
    self.forwardGeocoding(address:address, completion: {(location) in
        if let locationTo = location {
            // calculate distance
            self.donorDistance.append((self.mainDelegate.currLocation?.distance(from: locationTo) ?? 0))
            print(self.mainDelegate.currLocation?.distance(from: locationTo) ?? 0)
            if self.donorDistance.count == self.donors.count
        } else {
            // not found destination, show alert
            print("cannot find address")