可在微控制器中使用的最大地址 Space 范围

Maximum address Space range that can be utilize in a micro-controller



"A micro-controller is having only 8 address lines and another additional signal lines through a special register. compute the maximum address space range that can be utilize by the designer ?"


一切都取决于有多少 "additional signal lines from a special register"。

如果另一个寄存器再给出 8 行,没有进一步的限制,并且硬件对于这种情况是正确的,那么是的,你的回答是正确的,你有 2^16 个地址。

但是您没有说明该寄存器的宽度,以及该寄存器是否将其所有位用作地址(或分页)线,或其他。但一般你是对的,地址 space 宽度是 2^number_of_lines.