使用 Kerberos 更改密码协议和 .NET Core 3 更改 Active Directory 密码

Change Active Directory password using Kerberos Change-Password protocol and .NET Core 3

可以使用 LDAP 协议更改 AD 用户的密码。但是,如果用户必须在下次登录时更改密码(或密码已过期),则除非使用管理员凭据,否则无法更改密码。我使用 WIN32 API 解决了这个问题 in the past。不幸的是,我无法在 linux 环境中使用 WINAPI。

根据this article

When a user changes his or her own password by pressing CTRL+ALT+DELETE and then clicking Change Password, Windows NT up to Windows 2003 the NetUserChangePassword mechanism (method 1) is used if the target is a domain. From Windows Vista onwards, the Kerberos change password protocol is used for domain accounts. If the target is a Kerberos realm, the Kerberos change-password protocol (method 3) is used.

我在 .NET Core 上寻找可以 运行 的 Kerberos 客户端,我找到了 SteveSyfuhs/Kerberos.NET

通过阅读Kerberos Change Password Protocol and Kerberos.NET Samples,我写了如下代码:

using Kerberos.NET;
using Kerberos.NET.Client;
using Kerberos.NET.Credentials;
using Kerberos.NET.Crypto;
using Kerberos.NET.Entities;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace KerberosDemo
    class Program
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            string activeDirectoryServer = ""; // kdc port
            string domain = "TEST.LOCAL";
            string username = "testuser@" + domain;
            string oldPassword = "123";
            string newPassword = "456";

            using var client = new KerberosClient(activeDirectoryServer);
            var kerbCred = new KerberosPasswordCredential(username, oldPassword, domain);
            await client.Authenticate(kerbCred);
            var serviceTicket = await client.GetServiceTicket("kadmin/changepw");

            var apReq = new KrbApReq
                Ticket = serviceTicket.Ticket,
                Authenticator = KrbEncryptedData.Encrypt(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(newPassword).AsMemory(), kerbCred.CreateKey(), KeyUsage.ApReqAuthenticator),
                ProtocolVersionNumber = 1

            var tcp = client.Transports.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Protocol == ProtocolType.Tcp);
            await tcp.SendMessage<KrbApReq, KrbAsRep>(domain, apReq);

我在 await tcp.SendMessage<KrbApReq, KrbAsRep>(domain, apReq); 遇到以下异常:

Unhandled exception. System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: ASN1 corrupted data. at System.Security.Cryptography.Asn1.AsnReader.ReadTagAndLength(Nullable1& contentsLength, Int32& bytesRead) in d:\a\s\Kerberos.NET\Asn1\Experimental\AsnReader.cs:line 305 at Kerberos.NET.Entities.KrbError.CanDecode(ReadOnlyMemory1 encoded) in d:\a\s\Kerberos.NET\Entities\Krb\KrbError.cs:line 23 at Kerberos.NET.Transport.KerberosTransportBase.Decode[T](ReadOnlyMemory1 response) in d:\a\s\Kerberos.NET\Client\Transport\KerberosTransportBase.cs:line 41 at Kerberos.NET.Transport.TcpKerberosTransport.ReadResponse[T](NetworkStream stream, CancellationToken cancellation) in d:\a\s\Kerberos.NET\Client\Transport\TcpKerberosTransport.cs:line 69 at Kerberos.NET.Transport.TcpKerberosTransport.SendMessage[T](String domain, ReadOnlyMemory1 encoded, CancellationToken cancellation) in d:\a\s\Kerberos.NET\Client\Transport\TcpKerberosTransport.cs:line 58 at KerberosDemo.Program.Main(String[] args) at KerberosDemo.Program.(String[] args)



if the user has to change his password at next logon (or the password is expired), then the password cannot be changed unless by using admin credentials

如果您使用用户自己的凭据向 AD 进行身份验证,这可能会成为问题,这是验证用户凭据的常用方法。如果用户密码已过期(或专门设置为在下次登录时强制更改),则身份验证将失败,您将无法查找用户帐户和更改密码。

要解决这个问题,您可以使用不同的帐户对 AD 进行身份验证。 不必是管理员帐户。任何域凭据都可以。然后就可以查询用户的账号了。

由于您必须知道旧密码才能更改密码,AD 认为 您需要更改它的所有授权。

这与重置密码不同,后者需要一个对该帐户具有"Reset password"权限的帐户。

正如您所发现的,您还需要安全地连接到 AD,这样新密码就不会以明文形式发送。

所有这些都记录在 documentation for the unicodePwd attribute 中。