如何使用三个参数将节点插入到 Treap 中

How to insert a node onto a Treap with three arguments

我在将 Treapnode 插入 treap 时遇到问题。它接受 3 个参数。 add(E key, P priority, treapnode x).我已经尝试了很多东西并不断收到空指针异常。


private TreapNode add (E key, P priority, TreapNode x)
        throws ElementFoundException {

    // For You To Complete
    int compare = key.compareTo(x.element());
    if (x == null){
        return new TreapNode(key, priority);

    //root is larger than the key

    else if (compare == 0) {
        throw new ElementFoundException("Element was found, and tree was not changed.");
    } else if (compare < 0) {
        if (x.left() == null) {
         //TreapNode y = new TreapNode(key, priority);
            TreapNode y = x.left;
            x.left = y.right;
            y.right = x;
            return y;
        } else {
            x.left = add(key, priority, x.left());

    //root is smaller than the key
    else if (compare > 0) {
        if (x.right() == null) {
            //TreapNode y = new TreapNode(key, priority);
            TreapNode z = x.right;
            x.right = z.left;
            z.left = x;
            return z;

    return x;

这是你做错了 x.right()x.left()

if (x.right() == null) {
        //TreapNode y = new TreapNode(key, priority);
        TreapNode z = x.right; // z = null
        x.right = z.left;  // z.left will throw NPE


if (x.right() == null) {
   x.right() = new TreapNode(key, priority);
   return x; // return parent node 


int compare = key.compareTo(x.element());  //comoareTo return an int 
if (x == null){  // does not make sense to compare and int type to Object type

要深入了解,请阅读此页 https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/binary-search-tree-set-1-search-and-insertion/