使用 Python 和 Google 地点收集地点 API

Collecting places using Python and Google Places API

我想用 latlong (0.507068, 101.447777) 收集我的城市 Pekanbaru 周围的地点,我会将其转换为数据集。数据集(它包含 place_name、place_id、纬度、经度和类型 列)。


import json
import urllib.request as url_req
import time
import pandas as pd

NATAL_CENTER = (0.507068,101.447777)
API_NEARBY_SEARCH_URL = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/json'
RADIUS = 30000
PLACES_TYPES = [('airport', 1), ('bank', 2)] ## TESTING

# PLACES_TYPES = [('airport', 1), ('bank', 2), ('bar', 3), ('beauty_salon', 3), ('book_store', 1), ('cafe', 1), ('church', 3), ('doctor', 3), ('dentist', 2), ('gym', 3), ('hair_care', 3), ('hospital', 2), ('pharmacy', 3), ('pet_store', 1), ('night_club', 2), ('movie_theater', 1), ('school', 3), ('shopping_mall', 1), ('supermarket', 3), ('store', 3)]

def request_api(url):
    response = url_req.urlopen(url)
    json_raw = response.read()
    json_data = json.loads(json_raw)
    return json_data

def get_places(types, pages):
    location = str(NATAL_CENTER[0]) + "," + str(NATAL_CENTER[1])
    mounted_url = ('%s'
        '&key=%s') % (API_NEARBY_SEARCH_URL, location, RADIUS, types, API_KEY)

    results = []
    next_page_token = None

    if pages == None: pages = 1

    for num_page in range(pages):
        if num_page == 0:
            api_response = request_api(mounted_url)
            results = results + api_response['results']
            page_url = ('%s'
                '&pagetoken=%s') % (API_NEARBY_SEARCH_URL, API_KEY, next_page_token)
            api_response = request_api(str(page_url))
            results += api_response['results']

        if 'next_page_token' in api_response:
            next_page_token = api_response['next_page_token']
        else: break

    return results

def parse_place_to_list(place, type_name):
    # Using name, place_id, lat, lng, rating, type_name
    return [

def mount_dataset():
    data = []

    for place_type in PLACES_TYPES:
        type_name = place_type[0]
        type_pages = place_type[1]

        print("Getting into " + type_name)

        result = get_places(type_name, type_pages)
        result_parsed = list(map(lambda x: parse_place_to_list(x, type_name), result))
        data += result_parsed

    dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['place_name', 'place_id', 'lat', 'lng', 'type'])


但是脚本返回 空数据帧。 如何解决并获得正确的数据集?

恐怕 Google 地图平台的服务条款禁止抓取和存储数据。

在实施之前先查看服务条款。第 3.2.4 段 'Restrictions Against Misusing the Services' 改为

(a) No Scraping. Customer will not extract, export, or otherwise scrape Google Maps Content for use outside the Services. For example, Customer will not: (i) pre-fetch, index, store, reshare, or rehost Google Maps Content outside the services; (ii) bulk download Google Maps tiles, Street View images, geocodes, directions, distance matrix results, roads information, places information, elevation values, and time zone details; (iii) copy and save business names, addresses, or user reviews; or (iv) use Google Maps Content with text-to-speech services.

