JMeter - 执行 QUIC 请求
JMeter - execute QUIC request
JMeter 中有调用 TCP、HTTP2 和 UDP 请求的选项,
但是有没有办法在 JMeter
中调用 QUIC 请求QUIC is a new transport which reduces latency compared to that of TCP. On the surface, QUIC is very similar to TCP+TLS+HTTP/2 implemented on UDP. Because TCP is implemented in operating system kernels, and middlebox firmware, making significant changes to TCP is next to impossible. However, since QUIC is built on top of UDP, it suffers from no such limitations.
我发现 kwik 是 java 客户端,但用于 HTTP3(而不是用于生产)
Kwik is a client implementation of the QUIC protocol in Java.
Kwik can be used to transport HTTP3, but it is not a HTTP3 client. If you're looking for a HTTP3 client, check out Flupke.
Kwik is not yet suitable for production use.
我也找到了 JQUIC 但我没有在其中找到任何相关的 Java 代码
目前没有为JMeter 提供QUIC 请求采样器的插件。您可能必须 write one.
有 HTTP2 Plugin for JMeter 所以也许 BlazeMeter 的人有一天会为 QUIC 写一个。