使用 Pandas 填写缺失的数据

Fill in the missing data using Pandas

使用 Pandas 填充缺失数据的最佳方法是什么。我有一份访客名单,其中缺少退出时间或进入时间。

visitor entry            exit
A   16/02/2016 08:46    16/02/2016 09:01
A   16/02/2016 09:20    16/02/2016 17:24
A   17/02/2016 09:12    17/02/2016 09:42
A   17/02/2016 09:55    NaT
A   17/02/2016 12:42    17/02/2016 12:56
A   17/02/2016 13:02    17/02/2016 17:32
A   17/02/2016 17:44    17/02/2016 18:24
A   18/02/2016 07:59    18/02/2016 16:40
A   18/02/2016 16:53    NaT
A   NaT                 19/02/2016 09:11
A   19/02/2016 09:27    19/02/2016 11:26
A   19/02/2016 12:28    19/02/2016 17:12
A   20/02/2016 08:44    20/02/2016 08:58
A   20/02/2016 09:16    20/02/2016 17:21

您可以使用 DataFrame.ffill + DataFrame.bfill 进/出同时完成:

   visitor               entry                exit
0        A 2016-02-16 08:46:00 2016-02-16 09:01:00
1        A 2016-02-16 09:20:00 2016-02-16 17:24:00
2        A 2016-02-17 09:12:00 2016-02-17 09:42:00
3        A 2016-02-17 09:55:00 2016-02-17 09:55:00
4        A 2016-02-17 12:42:00 2016-02-17 12:56:00
5        A 2016-02-17 13:02:00 2016-02-17 17:32:00
6        A 2016-02-17 17:44:00 2016-02-17 18:24:00
7        A 2016-02-18 07:59:00 2016-02-18 16:40:00
8        A 2016-02-18 16:53:00 2016-02-18 16:53:00
9        A 2016-02-19 09:11:00 2016-02-19 09:11:00
10       A 2016-02-19 09:27:00 2016-02-19 11:26:00
11       A 2016-02-19 12:28:00 2016-02-19 17:12:00
12       A 2016-02-20 08:44:00 2016-02-20 08:58:00
13       A 2016-02-20 09:16:00 2016-02-20 17:21:00


DataFrame.notna + DataFrame.all to performance a boolean indexing 过滤到具有 NaT 值的 ros 以计算 diff

#filtering valid data
#Calculating diff

0    00:15:00
1    08:04:00
2    00:30:00
4    00:14:00
5    04:30:00
6    00:40:00
7    08:41:00
10   01:59:00
11   04:44:00
12   00:14:00
13   08:05:00
Name: exit, dtype: timedelta64[ns]

#Calculatin mean        
print('This is the mean of time in: ', time_dif_mean)

This is the mean of time in:  0 days 03:26:54.545454


#roud to seconds( optional)



   visitor               entry                exit
0        A 2016-02-16 08:46:00 2016-02-16 09:01:00
1        A 2016-02-16 09:20:00 2016-02-16 17:24:00
2        A 2016-02-17 09:12:00 2016-02-17 09:42:00
3        A 2016-02-17 09:55:00 2016-02-17 13:21:55
4        A 2016-02-17 12:42:00 2016-02-17 12:56:00
5        A 2016-02-17 13:02:00 2016-02-17 17:32:00
6        A 2016-02-17 17:44:00 2016-02-17 18:24:00
7        A 2016-02-18 07:59:00 2016-02-18 16:40:00
8        A 2016-02-18 16:53:00 2016-02-18 20:19:55
9        A 2016-02-19 05:44:05 2016-02-19 09:11:00
10       A 2016-02-19 09:27:00 2016-02-19 11:26:00
11       A 2016-02-19 12:28:00 2016-02-19 17:12:00
12       A 2016-02-20 08:44:00 2016-02-20 08:58:00
13       A 2016-02-20 09:16:00 2016-02-20 17:21:00