
Convex hull algorithm to determine points inside of the triangle

我有一个双色集S,在平面一般位置上有红色和绿色点(S 的三个点没有共线)。制作红色三角形,使其所有三个顶点都是 S 的红色点。如果 p 位于内部,则称 S 的绿色点 p 被红色三角形包围那个三角形的。

我应该做一个算法来找到三角形内的所有绿点。 在从在线资源中看到一些信息后,我尝试制作自己的算法,例如: http://totologic.blogspot.com/2014/01/accurate-point-in-triangle-test.html

这是我的 "solution":

green_inside = all_the_greens
for each triangle T in get_all_triangles()
  for each greenie G in green_inside
    if G in T
      remove G from green_inside

greenies_in_triangles = all_the_greens - green_inside

我不知道这个算法是否有效。 它的运行时间是 n^3。另外,我不确定我是否可以只说 get_all_triangles。 我应该创建的这个算法应该是我能想到的最有效的算法,所以欢迎任何其他解决方案或建议!


Create the convex hull (CH) of the red points.
Check each of the green points is in the CH or not.
    If it is, there is a red triangle that contains that point.
    If it is not, there is no red triangle that contains the point.

创建 N 个红点的凸包在 O(N log(N)) 中,检查一个点是否在凸多边形内可以在 O(log(N)) 中完成。因此,如果绿点数为M,则上述算法的总复杂度为O((M+N)log(N)).





根据墨菲定律,每一个小问题都潜伏着一堆更大的问题,正在努力摆脱困境。这里,第一个更大的问题 是,如何测试一个点是否在三角形内。 Wiki, google 等表明有多种解决问题的方法。对于给定的问题,我认为重心坐标系方法是一个很好的(最好的?)候选者,因为我们必须重新测试每个点,并且这种方法允许为每个三角形计算一组参数,然后在每个三角形中重复使用点测.

第二个问题是在给定 K 个绿点和 N 个三角形的情况下,我们是否可以在执行的测试数量方面做得比天真的方法更好。

  • naive:#Tests = N * K(针对所有三角形测试每个点)。 (我看不出 O(N^3) 是如何产生的,但是问题的作者没有说 N 是什么)。

  • 改进:尝试找到一种仅针对三角形子集测试点的方法。子集是“可能”的三角形:#Tests = K * N',其中 N' 希望小于或等于 NK 此处不变 - 毕竟我们需要查看每个点。

因此,我提出一种扫描线算法作为(可能)改进的解决方案: 查看问题中的图片,想象一条垂直线在图片上从左到右延伸,无论何时移动,都会走到下一个绿点。


  • 按 x 坐标升序排列所有绿色点。 (O (K log K)).
  • 按 x 升序对每个三角形的所有三角形顶点进行排序。
  • 根据最左边点的 x 坐标对所有三角形进行排序。 (O (N log N)).
    Then, for each green point P:
        * drop all of the remaining triangles which are entirely to the left of P.
        * select all of the remaining triangles, which start but do not end to the left of P. 
          (open triangles)
        * test P against each of the open triangles. 
          P is contained if it is contained in any of those open triangles.

虽然它比我预期的长了一点,但这是我用每个人最喜欢的语言实现的原型 Haskell:

import Data.List
-- While colors are part of the question, we have no real use for them in the solution.
-- data Color = Red | Green deriving (Show,Eq)
-- data Vertex = Vertex { loc :: Point, col :: Color } deriving (Show,Eq)

data Point = Point { x :: Float, y :: Float } deriving (Show,Eq)
data Triangle = Triangle [Point] deriving (Show,Eq)
data BaryParms = BaryParms 
    { dt :: Float   -- the DeTerminant.
    , dy23 :: Float
    , dx32 :: Float
    , dy31 :: Float
    , dx13 :: Float
    , x3 :: Float
    , y3 :: Float
    } deriving (Show,Eq)

-- Get the list of points from a triangle. Of course that list is always of length 3.    
triPoints :: Triangle -> [Point]    
triPoints (Triangle ps) = ps

-- We do some sorting (of triangles and points) and this is our 
-- ordering (left to right on the x-coordinates of a point.)
leftToRight :: Point -> Point -> Ordering
leftToRight p1 p2 
    | x p1 < x p2 = LT
    | x p1 == x p2 = EQ
    | otherwise = GT

-- Shortcut function, since we use it a few times.
-- Left To Right Sort.    
ltrSort = sortBy leftToRight

-- rearrange the points of a triangle in left to right manner.
ltrTriangle :: Triangle -> Triangle
ltrTriangle (Triangle points) = Triangle $ ltrSort points

-- compute the bary coordinates for a point with respect to 
-- the bary parameters of a given triangle.
toBaryCoords :: BaryParms -> Point -> (Float,Float,Float)
toBaryCoords bp p =
        l1 = (dy23 bp * (x p - x3 bp) + (dx32 bp * (y p - y3 bp))) / dt bp
        l2 = (dy31 bp * (x p - x3 bp) + (dx13 bp * (y p - y3 bp))) / dt bp
        l3 = 1 - l1 - l2

-- precompute some values we need for testing points against a triangle.        
triToBaryParms :: Triangle -> BaryParms
triToBaryParms (Triangle [r1,r2,r3]) =
        dt = det (x r1 - x r3) (x r2 - x r3) (y r1 - y r3) (y r2 - y r3), 
        dy23 = y r2 - y r3,
        dx32 = x r3 - x r2,
        dy31 = y r3 - y r1,
        dx13 = x r1 - x r3,
        x3 = x r3,
        y3 = y r3
        det x11 x12 x21 x22 = x11 * x22 - x12 * x21

-- test if a (green) point is contained in a given triangle.
triangleContainsPoint :: Point -> BaryParms -> Bool
triangleContainsPoint p parms  =    
    l1 >= 0.0 && l2 >= 0.0 && l3 >= 0.0
        (l1,l2,l3) = toBaryCoords parms p

-- our improved (?) scan line algorithm.
reportGreensInTriangles :: [Point] -> [Triangle] -> [Point]
reportGreensInTriangles greens triangles =  
    scan sgreens stris []
        -- sort the green points left to right.
        sgreens :: [Point]
        sgreens = ltrSort greens
        -- sort the triangles left to right by their leftmost vertex.
        -- and compute the barycentric coordinate parameters.
        stris :: [(Triangle,BaryParms)]
        stris = 
            fmap (\t -> (t,triToBaryParms t))
            . sortBy (\t1 t2 -> leftToRight (head . triPoints $ t1) (head . triPoints $ t2)) 
            . fmap ltrTriangle
                $ triangles
        -- recursive iteration over each (green) point. It's tail recursive. 
        scan :: [Point] -> [(Triangle,BaryParms)] -> [Point] -> [Point]
        scan [] _ found = found  -- no more points to test
        scan (g:gs) remainingTris found =
            scan gs remainingTris' found'
                found' = 
                    if any (triangleContainsPoint g . snd) open 
                    then g : found
                    else found
                inScope (Triangle [r1,_,r3],_) = x r1 <= x g && x r3 >= x g
                -- the list of open triangles
                open = takeWhile inScope remainingTris
                -- triangles not discarded yet.
                remainingTris' = dropWhile (\ (Triangle [_, _, r3]  ,_) -> x r3 < x g ) remainingTris



  • 剩余点集为空
  • 没有更多的三角形(最坏的情况)。


因此,很容易控制 space 复杂度,因为三角形是懒惰地分批生成的。