如何使用 JavaScript 将文本前后的内联 html 元素替换为另一个 html 元素?

How to use JavaScript replace an inline html element preceded and followed by text with another html element?


假设我们有一个看起来像这样的 HTML 文档:

  <title>My Awesome Example.</title>
<p>World History is fascinating but can also be overwhelming because of its 
sheer magnitude. Every historian brings their own <span class="blank-it">lens</span>
to historical interpretation so one must not only know the historical events but 
also use <span class="blank-it">reasoning</span> skills to determine when a 
historian's perspective is distorting the actual historical record.</p>

现在假设我们要替换每个出现的 <span class="blank-it"> 并将其替换为另一个元素和原始元素的内部 HTML。所以最终结果会是这样的:

<input type="text" id="lens115">
<input type="text" id="reasoning118">


// Get the element to be replaced
let blankhtml = document.getElementByClassNames("blank-it");
// Get the text we'll use as the ID of our new element
let blanktext = document.getElementByClassNames("blank-it").innerHTML;
// Create a variable to hold input text box code
let inputtext = '<input type="text" id="' . blanktext . '" class="blank-input">';
// Prepend the input box before the blankhtml element
// Remove the old element.

这就是我卡住的地方。因为好像不管我用insertBefore还是removeChild它都要我指定父元素。但是我怎么知道呢?在上面的示例中,它是一个简单的 <p> 元素,但是如果代码看起来像这样呢:

<title>Something Goes Here</title>
<p>This is a <span class="important-text"><span class="blank-it">an important fact.</span><span>


我确定这仍然是一个相当容易解决的问题,只是比告诉我使用 replaceChild 等稍微复杂一些。有什么想法吗?

这是一个粗略的入门指南,它用一个以跨度的 innerHTML 为值的输入替换每个跨度。

首先您需要遍历集合,创建一个新元素来替换每个实例,然后使用 parentNode.replaceChild(newChild, existingChild)


document.querySelectorAll(".blank-it").forEach(el => {
    const input = document.createElement('input');    
    input.value = el.innerHTML;
    el.parentNode.replaceChild(input, el);
<p>World History is fascinating but can also be overwhelming because of its 
sheer magnitude. Every historian brings their own <span class="blank-it">lens</span>
to historical interpretation so one must not only know the historical events but 
also use <span class="blank-it">reasoning</span> skills to determine when a 
historian's perspective is distorting the actual historical record.</p>

您是否尝试过使用 outerHTML 替换元素,而不是使用 insertBefore/removeChild?



// Get elements to be replaced
let blankElements = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("blank-it"));

blankElements.forEach(blankElement => {
  // Get the text we'll use as the ID of our new element
  let blanktext = blankElement.innerHTML;
  // Create a variable to hold input text box code
  let inputtext = '<input type="text" id="' + blanktext + '" class="blank-input">';
  blankElement.outerHTML = inputtext;
  <title>My Awesome Example.</title>
<p>World History is fascinating but can also be overwhelming because of its 
sheer magnitude. Every historian brings their own <span class="blank-it">lens</span>
to historical interpretation so one must not only know the historical events but 
also use <span class="blank-it">reasoning</span> skills to determine when a 
historian's perspective is distorting the actual historical record.</p>