在 2020 年 Python 2 生命周期结束后,我还能通过 Pip 安装依赖包吗?

Will I still able to install dependency package via Pip after Python 2 End of Life in 2020?

我正在使用 Python 2.7 和 python pip 从 requirements.txt 文件为我的项目 运行 下载所有依赖包。正如我们所知,Python 2 将在 2020 年结束,我担心我无法再从 pip 安装我的依赖包作为 pip install -r requirements.txt

我能想到的一种方法是从 requirements.txt 下载所有依赖项并在本地安装它们。可能吗?

我读过一个类似的问题,但我仍然不清楚 pip 在 Python 2020 EOL 之后是否仍然有效的可能性。

我如何确认?我怎样才能在 python 2 的 2020 年生命周期结束时通过 pip 继续安装依赖项?谢谢

如您所链接的问题所示,pip 维护者愿意在合理可行的情况下尽可能长时间地支持 Python 2.7。现在你需要考虑另一面:索引。

pip 的默认索引是 PyPI, and I can't imagine that they would decide to delete existing artifacts or stop serving them just because the corresponding interpreter reached their end of life. I am pretty sure they already host and serve artifacts that are aimed at Python interpreters that have already reached their end of life. See for example the artifacts for lxml version 3.4.4 清楚地表明它仍在服务针对 Python 2.6 和 3.4 的文件,它们都已经已达到 EOL.

One way I could think of is download all dependencies from requirements.txt and install them locally. Is it possible?
