C ++,在for()函数内将复数与普通双精度组合时出错

C++, Error when combining complex numbers with normal doubles inside a for() function


#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>

using namespace std;

int main(){

  complex<double> c;  //Coordinate
  complex<double> zn;
  complex<double> znp1;

  double iteration;  //Iteration counter
  double limit = 1.0e3;  //zn must exceed limit

  double resolution = 50.0;     //Points/pixels per axis

  double realrangeplus =5.0;    //Coordinate system
  double realrangeminus = -5.0;
  double realsubdiv = (realrangeplus - realrangeminus)/resolution;

  double imagrangeplus = 5.0;
  double imagrangeminus = -5.0;
  double imagsubdiv = (imagrangeplus - imagrangeminus)/resolution;

  //cycle through real axis with c
  for(real(c) = realrangeminus; real(c) <= realrangeplus; real(c) = real(c) + realsubdiv){

    //cycle through imaginary axis with c
    for(imag(c) = imagrangeminus; imag(c) <= imagrangeplus; imag(c) = imag(c) + imagsubdiv){

      iteration = 0.0;  //reset
      zn = (0.0, 0.0);
      znp1 = (0.0, 0.0);

      //Start iterating:
        iteration = iteration + 1.0; //count iterations

        zn = znp1;
        znp1 = zn*zn + c;


      cout << real(c) << " " << imag(c) << "      " << real(zn) << " " << imag(zn) << "    " << iteration << endl;



  return 0;

这是在 Ubuntu 终端或 eclipse 中使用 g++ mandelbrot_skript.cpp 编译它时的错误:

mandelbrot_skript.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
mandelbrot_skript.cpp:32:17: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
   for(real(c) = realrangeminus; real(c) <= realrangeplus; real(c) = real(c) + realsubdiv){
mandelbrot_skript.cpp:32:79: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
   for(real(c) = realrangeminus; real(c) <= realrangeplus; real(c) = real(c) + realsubdiv){
mandelbrot_skript.cpp:35:19: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
     for(imag(c) = imagrangeminus; imag(c) <= imagrangeplus; imag(c) = imag(c) + imagsubdiv){
mandelbrot_skript.cpp:35:81: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
     for(imag(c) = imagrangeminus; imag(c) <= imagrangeplus; imag(c) = imag(c) + imagsubdiv){


我正在尝试创建 mandelbrot 集的图像,代码可能完全错误,但这不是重点。

我不明白为什么会出现错误信息。据我所知,没有拼写错误,所有变量都具有正确的数据类型(我认为)并且我已经成功地尝试将实部和虚部与普通双精度变量相加和相乘。只有当我在 for() 函数中执行此操作时才会出现此错误。奇怪的是,完全相同的代码在名为 "CPP N-IDE".

的 android 应用程序中执行时没有问题


real(c) 是一个 reader 函数。 c.real(value) 是写函数。 source


for (c.real(realrangeminus); real(c) <= realrangeplus; c.real(real(c) + realsubdiv)) {


cpp reference

For any pointer to an element of an array of complex named p and any valid array index i, reinterpret_cast(p)[2*i] is the real part of the complex number p[i], and reinterpret_cast(p)[2*i + 1] is the imaginary part of the complex number p[i]

因此,如前所述,real(c)imag(c) 将是 reader 读取变量的方法,而不是设置变量的方法。

可以找到有关复数使用的更多信息on Whosebug here