
Make use of implicit conversion operator inside expression tree


public readonly struct WrappedInt
    public WrappedInt(int value)
        Value = value;

    public int Value { get; }

    public static implicit operator int (WrappedInt wrapper) => wrapper.Value;


var wrapper = new WrappedInt(42);
int x1 = Unwrap(wrapper);
int x2 = UnwrapUsingExpression(wrapper);

private static int Unwrap(WrappedInt wrapper)
    int result = wrapper;
    return result;

private static int UnwrapUsingExpression(WrappedInt wrapper)
    var wrapperParameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(WrappedInt), "wrapper");
    var resultVariableExpression = Expression.Variable(typeof(int), "result");

    Expression right = wrapperParameterExpression;     // THIS is important
    var assignExpression = Expression.Assign(resultVariableExpression, right);
    var blockExpression = Expression.Block(
        new ParameterExpression[] { resultVariableExpression },
        new Expression[] { resultVariableExpression, assignExpression, resultVariableExpression }

    var unwrapFunc = Expression.Lambda<Func<WrappedInt, int>>(blockExpression, wrapperParameterExpression).Compile();
    return unwrapFunc(wrapper);

请注意,在 Unwrap 函数中我使用了隐式转换运算符 int result = wrapper; - 很好。

现在我想做同样的事情,但在表达式树中 - UnwrapWithExpression 例程。在这里,我使用

将 'result' 变量直接分配给 'wrapper' 参数

Expression right = wrapperParameterExpression;

但这不起作用 - 我收到运行时异常:

System.ArgumentException: 'Expression of type 'WrappedInt' cannot be used for assignment to type 'System.Int32'.

我知道如何解决它,基本上要么访问 Value 属性:

Expression right = Expression.Property(wrapperParameterExpression, nameof(WrappedInt.Value));


Expression right = Expression.Convert(wrapperParameterExpression, typeof(int));


表达式在很多方面比 C# 更受限制,尤其是在隐式类型转换方面。您会发现很多情况下,C# 编译器会为您插入类型转换,但您需要显式添加 Expression.Convert.



Expression<Func<WrappedInt, int>> convert = x => x;

然后在调试器中查看 convert.DebugView,您会看到:

.Lambda #Lambda1<System.Func`2[WrappedInt,System.Int32]>(WrappedInt $x) {

(System.Int32)$x 是一个 Convert 节点(您可以通过在调试器中查看 convert.Body 来验证)。编译器决定在表达式领域与 C# 的最佳等价物是 Expression.Convert,所以这也是您应该做的。