Why am I getting 'Uncaught TypeError: window[i] is not a function' when submitting authorize.net's AcceptUI form?

Why am I getting 'Uncaught TypeError: window[i] is not a function' when submitting authorize.net's AcceptUI form?

我正在尝试在 Vue.js 组件中使用 authorize.net AcceptUI 托管表单。 https://developer.authorize.net/api/reference/features/acceptjs.html#Integrating_the_Hosted_Payment_Information_Form

启动表单的按钮和表单正确显示。输入一些测试付款信息并点击提交后,表单类型或重新加载但不会按预期消失。在控制台中,我收到错误 AcceptUI.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: window[i] is not a function。

AcceptUI 脚本的相关部分是这样的:

A = function(t) {
        "function" == typeof i ? i.call(null, t) : window[i](t)

我定义了一个 responseHandler 函数。我不确定为什么它不起作用。我将代码精简为与 authorize.net 提供的示例几乎相同,但我假设 Vue.js 或 Typescript 存在干扰。

请忽略与代码无关的任何问题。我只关心让 responseHandler 正常工作,然后我将构建其余功能。

         <form id="paymentForm" method="POST">
            <button type="button"
                    data-billingAddressOptions='{"show":true, "required":false}' 
                    data-acceptUIFormHeaderTxt="Card Information" 

<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import Component from 'vue-class-component';

export default class SubscriptionManager extends Vue {

  protected responseHandler(response: any) {

  protected paymentFormUpdate(opaqueData: any) {
    const dataDescriptor: any = document.getElementById("dataDescriptor");
    dataDescriptor.value = opaqueData.dataDescriptor;
    const dataValue: any = document.getElementById("dataValue")
    dataValue.value = opaqueData.dataValue;

    // If using your own form to collect the sensitive data from the customer,
    // blank out the fields before submitting them to your server.
    const cardNumber: any = document.getElementById("cardNumber");
    cardNumber.value = "";

    const expMonth: any = document.getElementById("expMonth")
    expMonth.value = "";

    const expYear: any = document.getElementById("expYear")
    expYear.value = "";

    const cardCode: any = document.getElementById("cardCode")
    cardCode.value = "";

    const paymentForm: any = document.getElementById("paymentForm")

我今天 运行 遇到了同样的问题。我的问题是在执行响应回调时找不到 data-responseHandler 中命名的函数。我已经定义了 data-responseHandler="authnetResponseHandler" 但在测试之前忘记定义 function authnetResponseHandler(response)
