从 TimeZone.abbreviation() 初始化时区时出现问题

Trouble Initializing TimeZone from TimeZone.abbreviation()


    "day": 1,
    "month": 1,
    "year": 1970,
    "timeZone": "GMT"

为了存储此对象,它从用户输入中获取用户的生日、月份和年份。然而,用户时区是通过 TimeZone.current.abbreviation().


现在,我后端的一些用户生日对象的 "timeZone" 格式为 "CST""BST""PDT""timeZone" 以这种方式格式化的 TimeZone 分别通过 let timeZone = TimeZone(abbreviation: "CST")!let timeZone = TimeZone(abbreviation: "BST")!let timeZone = TimeZone(abbreviation: "PDT")! 在前端成功初始化了一个 TimeZone

问题是,我后端的其他用户生日对象的 "timeZone" 格式为 "GMT+8"。当尝试通过 let timeZone = TimeZone(abbreviation: "GMT+8")! 初始化 "timeZone"s 格式时,初始化 returns nil。我也试过 let timeZone = TimeZone(identifier: "GMT+8")!,但是这个 returns nil 也是。

TimeZone 的格式是相对于 GMT 的偏移量而不是其独特的缩写时,有没有办法初始化它?我见过一个 TimeZone 初始化程序,它是 TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: Int)。我可以简单地从 "GMT+8" 中取出 8 并将其乘以 3600(一小时中的秒数)并将此结果传递给 TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: Int) 吗?

我最终编写了代码来调整我的应用程序以解决这些意外的边缘情况,其中 TimeZone 的缩写格式类似于 "GMT+8" 而不是 "SGT"。我创建了 TimeZone 的扩展:

extension TimeZone {
    static func timeZone(from string: String) -> TimeZone {
        //The string format passed into this function should always be similar to "GMT+8" or "GMT-3:30"

        if string.contains("±") {
            //This case should always be "GMT±00:00", or simply GMT
            return TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: 0)!
        } else {

            //If the string doesn't contain "±", then there should be some offset. We will split the string into timeZone components. "GMT+8" would split into ["GMT", "8"]. "GMT-3:30" would split int ["GMT","3","30"]
            let timeZoneComponents = string.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet(charactersIn: "+-:"))
            var isAheadOfGMT: Bool!

            //Check if the string contains "+". This will dictate if we add or subtract seconds from GMT
            if string.contains("+") {
                isAheadOfGMT = true
            } else {
                isAheadOfGMT = false

            //Grab the second element in timeZoneElements. This represents the offset in hours
            let offsetInHours = Int(timeZoneComponents[1])!

            //Convert these hours into seconds
            var offsetInSeconds: Int!
            if isAheadOfGMT {
                offsetInSeconds = offsetInHours * 3600
            } else {
                offsetInSeconds = offsetInHours * -3600

            //Check if there is a colon in the passed string. If it does, then there are additional minutes we need to account for
            if string.contains(":") {
                let additionalMinutes = Int(timeZoneComponents[2])!
                let additionalSeconds = additionalMinutes * 60
                offsetInSeconds += additionalSeconds

            //Create a TimeZone from this calculated offset in seconds
            let timeZoneFromOffset = TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: offsetInSeconds)!

            //Return this value
            return timeZoneFromOffset


let json: [String:String] = ["timeZone":"GMT+8"]
let timeZone = json["timeZone"]
let birthDate: BirthDate!
if let timeZoneFromAbbrev = TimeZone(abbreviation: timeZone) {
    birthDate = BirthDate(day: birthDay, month: birthMonth, year: birthYear, timeZone: timeZoneFromAbbrev)
} else {       
    let timeZoneFromOffset = TimeZone.timeZone(from: timeZone)
    //Prints "GMT+8"

    birthDate = BirthDate(day: birthDay, month: birthMonth, year: birthYear, timeZone: timeZoneFromOffset)

我的 BirthDate class 上下文:

class BirthDate {
    var day: Int
    var month: Int
    var year: Int
    var timeZone: TimeZone

    init(day: Int, month: Int, year: Int, timeZone: TimeZone) {
        self.day = day
        self.month = month
        self.year = year
        self.timeZone = timeZone

时区是一件很有趣的事情。如果有人发现上述 TimeZone 扩展名有问题,请告诉我。我想我已经考虑了所有情况,但可能是错误的。