与 R 中的日期进行模糊连接

fuzzyjoin with dates in R



country <- c(rep("Country A", 4), rep("Country B", 6))
date <- c("2000-01-01", "2000-01-02", "2000-01-03", "2000-01-04", rep("2000-01-01", 2), "2000-01-02", rep("2000-01-03", 3))
outcome <- rnorm(10)
individual_data <- cbind.data.frame(country, date, outcome)
rm(country, date, outcome)


date <- rep("2000-01-02", 2)
country <- c("Country A", "Country B")
opponent <- c("Country B", "Country A")
match_outcome <- c("L", "W")
match_data <- cbind.data.frame(date, country, opponent, match_outcome)
rm(date, country, opponent, match_outcome)

在这个例子中,只有一场比赛发生在 2000 年 1 月 2 日,A 国输给了 B 国。我想执行 fuzzy_joinleft_join 这里,match_dataindividual_data 匹配,即使日期不准确。

# incorrect
merged <- left_join(individual_data, match_data)

我想在 3 天的范围内执行此操作,并且我想要一个指标来指示在此范围内比赛前后的天数。最终产品看起来像这样:

country <- c(rep("Country A", 4), rep("Country B", 6))
date <- c("2000-01-01", "2000-01-02", "2000-01-03", "2000-01-04", rep("2000-01-01", 2), "2000-01-02", rep("2000-01-03", 3))
outcome <- rnorm(10)
opponent <- c(rep("Country B", 4), rep("Country A", 6))
match_outcome <- c(rep("L", 4), rep("W", 6))
match_date <- rep("2000-01-02", 10)
difference <- c(-1, 0, 1, 2, -1, -1, 0, rep(1, 3))
desired_output <- cbind.data.frame(country, date, outcome, opponent, match_outcome, match_date, difference)
rm(country, date, outcome, opponent, match_outcome, match_date, difference)


match_data$match_date_minus3 <- ymd(match_data$date) - days(3)
match_data$match_date_plus3 <- ymd(match_data$date) + days(3)

test_output <- fuzzy_left_join(individual_data, match_data,
                                by = c("country" = "country",
                                       "match_date_minus3" = "date",
                                       "match_date_plus3" = "date"),
                                match_fun = list("==", ">", "<"))

但我收到以下错误:Error in which(m) : argument to 'which' is not logical

作为参考,如果有人知道,我正在尝试复制 Depeteris-Chauvin et al. 2018 的结果。


  1. match_fun

  2. 中的双引号替换为反引号
  3. 应该反转 by

  4. 'date' 列更改为相应的 Date class

individual_data$date <- as.Date(individual_data$date)
match_data$match_date_minus3 <- as.Date(match_data$match_date_minus3)
match_data$match_date_plus3 <- as.Date(match_data$match_date_plus3)
fuzzy_left_join(individual_data, match_data,
                                 by = c("country" = "country",
                                        'date' = "match_date_minus3",
                                        'date' = "match_date_plus3"),
                                 match_fun = list(`==`, `>`, `<`)) %>%
  select(country = country.x, date = date.x, outcome, 
          opponent, match_outcome, match_date = date.y)
#     country       date    outcome  opponent match_outcome match_date
#1  Country A 2000-01-01  1.4003662 Country B             L 2000-01-02
#2  Country A 2000-01-02  0.5526607 Country B             L 2000-01-02
#3  Country A 2000-01-03  0.4316405 Country B             L 2000-01-02
#4  Country A 2000-01-04 -0.1171910 Country B             L 2000-01-02
#5  Country B 2000-01-01  1.3433921 Country A             W 2000-01-02
#6  Country B 2000-01-01 -1.1773011 Country A             W 2000-01-02
#7  Country B 2000-01-02 -0.6953120 Country A             W 2000-01-02
#8  Country B 2000-01-03  1.3484053 Country A             W 2000-01-02
#9  Country B 2000-01-03 -0.7266405 Country A             W 2000-01-02
#10 Country B 2000-01-03 -0.9139988 Country A             W 2000-01-02